
Thursday 23 June 2016

HASHEM Message

Wednesday I had to go to the surgery for my ears, after that I picked up a little of my required nutrients. As I was leaving, the heavenly Father spoke to me of 'TARRAGON', so I looked at the herb counter as I was passing by, when I picked up the Tarragon (that I don't usually eat due to it being a very strong herb) it had been reduced to 49 pence.

So I brought some home prior to looking at why it could be necessary for my nutrient intake.

After I did some research I discovered that it is good for the walls of the blood vessels and a lot more. When I was younger I used to have Tarragon Vinegar. The name of Tarragon and its origins are also interesting when we see the timeline that we're in the UK. Some recipes for Tarragon, it has a very strong smell doesn't it?

This morning while I was having my morning coffee, the heavenly Father spoke again and he said, HaShem. After that I took my postal vote to the polling station, as I was concerned whether it would arrive in time in the post.

The polling station was very busy with many older people at the station, the older generations out in force. There was also a LEAVE car outside the polling station and many people were chatting. If you love your country you defend it.

If you love God then you have to defend what God loves, and Zion defends those that are 'oppressed'.


God loves the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

Proverbs 31 and Isaiah 54 

Car after car was arriving, far more than I've seen for any local or national election, this is a very serious referendum, and the children's children of the people that defended our country in WW2 are surely making an impact on this vote. From OAPs the disabled, from businessmen to farmers, a majority of the people that have emailed me, or I have seen and spoken to are voting LEAVE.

One man spoke of CADBURY's and how jobs were moved to Poland due to interference from the EU. He spoke of how that impacted upon 180 families and their livelihoods. I concluded with him, that there had been an 'hostile takeover' by an American corporation of our English Cadburys company.

Farmers say that their income as not increased since the 70's. People in construction say that salaries haven't increased since the late 80's. That was a recession that was, a recession that the UK still have not recovered from in real terms. Of course immigration also had an impact on that with the high cost of payment to the EU 'unelected officials', 4 out of very five jobs are going to foreigners, and that includes a top NHS job that was given to an American.

The American MAXIMUS Inc corporation is also paying its employees up to £20,000 a month to sanction our unemployed and disabled. Enough is enough Mr Cameron! Investigative journalists at CH4 filmed what was going on undercover, and the American corporation was exposed.

Its clear that David Icke is voting LEAVE and he has provided a brilliant video. David is correct, there have been globalists on both sides, as I shared when we turned into the new millennium, they're all on the same side.

BREXIT would only be the beginning, due to what the Americans plan to do, we have to continue to defend our country and our people against the globalists that includes the American corporations; that would like the UK and other countries in Europe to eat its food that has been banned in over 160 countries. Europe's different cultures and its natural foods are top quality.

In fact, Italy is the most ecological food in Europe. So we have no requirement for America's Monsanto food, we can grow enough of our own, we also will carry on eating food and drinking wine from Europe. In or out of the EU, makes no difference to what we shall eat.

In fact, food prices have soared in the UK since we became EU members. Prices soared with decimalisation, so for instance if something cost 8/6, they rounded it up to ten and that cost us a lot more, in everything that people in our country bought.

Prices soared since we've been in the EU. Say no to Monsanto, say no to America, say no to the EU, say no to all of the globalists.We shall not eat the banned food America.

Interesting that the Tarragon came from Morocco, there are many messages in food, so let's eat the tarragon for our health in this timeline.

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