
Thursday 9 June 2016

Dream Interpretation

The 9th of June is the 'Day of Insistence'.

This morning I had a dream and a person was sharing their dream, and in the dream I was providing an interpretation of the dream. The dream interpretation was vivid. No coincidence then that Joseph was an interpreter of dreams, and so were some of the other Jewish prophets. In ancient times Joseph also predicted that a person would come in his name. He was very young when he received that dream wasn't he?

When I got up I looked at the news and American Jewish Journalists are being targeted on social media. Then I found Americans were doing the 'attacking', the land of Esau, Esau being the 'attacker'. Isaiah 54 gives America a response to what they do, for yours truly was taught to 'refute every tongue'.

Having to 'interpret' something in a dream for someone else can indicate 'money problems' and if we look at history, it is when people are having 'financial issues', that some people manage to turn people against the Jewish people, instead of looking at themselves.

The same thing happened in Nazi Germany. America has an abundance of wealth, yet look at the sheer numbers of people that are poor and homeless. Interesting that you rarely hear a poor person or a homeless person speak against Jewish people, those that do, are usually the middle classes that don't wish to help those poorer than themselves. Why is that? Most of them support the status quo.

If I remember it correctly, there were cows in the dream that was interpreted and in dream interpretation "a cow can be a symbol of good luck and prosperity if the animal was contented and grazing. However if the cow was skinny, chased, or attacked you, it represents 'threats to your most cherished plans'. If you escaped the cows it means that you will overcome all obstacles. However, if you were 'trapped', or 'injured' by the cows it is asking you to be prepared for some hard work without much joy.". 

I do remember the numeric of four in the dream that I was interpreting. If a person is aware of the number in a dream then it can indicate an increase in power and prestige. If you can't remember how many, then it can indicate some surprises regarding the affairs of others. It is never a surprise to me to see Americans 'attacking' Jewish people on-line.

Americans have a lot of healing work to do on mass, just look at what happened to the indigenous population of the native Americans.

'Destruction' is deeply entrenched in their psyche, and as Brad Pitt said, 'Guns are in our DNA', of course, also the '$'.

Americans also have a huge amount of 'bullying' in their nation, over 70% of their people are 'bullied' at school, college, and or in relationships and the work place the researchers discovered.

No surprise then what happened in the Clinton marriage, and that Clinton was doing high fives with Turkey in 2010. Americans weren't too happy when Clinton told Americans that they were 'losing the information war'.

You see, European people are aware and awake, especially Europeans that lived through the 'Nazi war' timeline, and its repercussions on health and consciousness for the generations that came afterwards. That is one of the reasons that the veterans are urging the British military to vote to leave the EU.

Fortunately, the numbers of people in Europe; outnumber the number of people in America, and on the world scene, America is outnumbered even more.

In spiritual symbology, the cow is often associated with India, the 'Sacred Cow', and its no surprise that America have a 'Bull' at Wall Street'. No surprise then today it was a person that had posted with an Indian name, with an avatar pic of a man wearing a head wrap, that was standing against Israel with other American posters.

Interesting that Nostradamus warned about the man wearing the head covering that is usually worn by Indian Sikhs.

What else do we have on spiritual symbology? The cow can be associated with the great mother and 'moon goddesses' in some historical traditions. Especially in Egypt due to the cow being a life giver with its milk. Some view the cow as celestial, and there certainly as been talk about the red heifer arriving in Israel, and amongst the native American community they also speak of the special white calf that was foretold would come.

In Chinese symbology, the cow can be interpreted as a yin symbol, with the horse as the yang.

Currently, planetary wise, we are in Saturn in Sagittarius, so not a good time for those American cows, and a better time for the horses in the timeline of the EPSOM DERBY. Interesting to note that the American named horses didn't win the race either in 2016.

Clearly, not the best time for America, and I did share over a decade ago, that astrologically, America was financially 'afflicted' right into 2017. So it doesn't matter who wins the election in America in 2016, their 'financial woes' will not be solved by who they vote for. It requires a complete change of heart by the American people themselves.

The numeric of four in spiritual symbology can indicate the four cardinal points and the four directions, seasons, winds, and sides of a square. Four is also a biblical numeric, so you can appreciate that there is biblical consequences for America, and many Americans don't like to hear about the fact that they were forewarned.

In Qabalism symbolism, four is associated with memory and the measuring, so do ponder upon how healthy American milk is for you, when you bear in mind what Americans 'inject their cows' with. Its not just what meat you are eating Americans, its also what you are drinking.

Remember this that American food is banned in over 160 countries, and there is a good reason for that. That's why Obama would like the UK to stay in the EU, American politicians would like to export their banned food to the Europeans.


No thank you America, you can keep your GMO, Americans didn't even defend their food, countryside, and farmers sufficiently, and really they should concentrate on the 'farming' rather than what is happening in Israel.

Although the farming in Israel is absolutely amazing, and the food looks incredible, I could live in Israel quite happily.

I did receive some news today that wasn't very pleasant, never mind, we carry on, and don't give up.

Last night after I read about what happened in Tel Aviv, I could smell coconut.

Today, I can smell lovely fruity healing oils, so a lovely bath in healing oils for me today.

I did wake up to something pleasant today, my son had gifted me, its great when he shows how much he cares for his mum. He was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog, and as we know the dog is man's best friend.

Yesterday, I saw a lovely old lab and it was pulling its owner back, as it clearly wished to be stroked by a woman with the feminine healing touch. When I caught up with the dog and its owner, I gave the old dog a lovely healing blessing, and I said to the dog, 'Its OK, its OK Sweetheart'. After that the old dog was happy, smiles in its eyes, and it became bouncy in its step, walking along wagging its tail.

When things like that happen, it makes it worthwhile to get some fresh air and stretch the legs, dogs are so appreciative of everything that you do for them. They are trustfully loyal, and they so like to receive the healing touch with these healing hands. The heavenly Father called me 'RADIANT HANDS', so I did a painting of radiant hands, you can see the healing hands in the middle of the painting in the prayer position.  That was a few years back now when that paint was spread.

Amazing progress as been made since that painting was scanned and uploaded. Many dreams, many visions, many divine messages, and healing help offered to those that were ready to receive it. A lot of research, and a lot of healing foods, a lot of feathers and good will.

'I've got my raspberries and blueberries on, I've got my red plums on, and I can see the colours in that painting and the message to do with the colour that was being given.

1 comment:

  1. I've just noticed something in the text that mentions the cattle.

    4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’ Matthew 22
