
Sunday 29 May 2016



From Brexit to Swexit: Will Sweden Follow Britain's Exit From the EU?

In Dover in England, activists are burning the EU flag, and the daughter of immigrant parents is campaigning to leave the EU. MP Priti Patel, Cameron's minister in DWP as spoken about the huge population explosion in the UK and asks where are the houses and hospital beds to accommodate it? Patel certainly supports building more homes in the UK, covering the countryside with concrete, although she is aware that the UK does not have the infrastructure to support the population explosion. She mentions the houses and hospitals, what about the jobs for the indigenous population, when 4 out of every five jobs are going to foreigners? What about the schools? 

Patel says that Westminster is in a 'bubble of privilege' and that some in Westminster do not understand the sheer amount of pressure that millions of British people face. A political class of career politicians in Westminster that only know the benefits of cheap labour that is imported from other countries. 

With the changes in technology impacting on whole industries, combined with the high immigration, salaries haven't increased in the UK in real terms since the late 1980's. Ironic though isn't it when Patel's department as put even more pressure on women in the UK, by removing the pensions of 1950s' women and insisting upon DWP sanctions if people can't or don't attend a work assessment when they are 'disabled or ill'. Some people are too ill to go, can Patel and DWP get that into their heads and hearts? How about Mr Cameron? 

Apparently, an American company Maximus, replaced the French ATOS that was more known for its MOT's than for its professionalism in health. Maximus that has been operating in America, another American system operating against the poorest and most vulnerable of the nation. You can ascertain how compassionate and merciful a country is by how it treats the 'disabled' in its country. America hasn't been a shining example of mercy as it? 

A country that 'executes' people, although Patel also supported bringing back 'hanging'. Whatever next? Maybe she has changed her views completely, since becoming an MP, maybe she has had some serious reality checks in regard to what it is like for real people to live in the UK, when the cost of living is higher than most can even earn when they do have a job. 

There are plenty of young healthy people that would like to work if the jobs were available. It is those generations, that people in our country have to help. I am aware that industry is changing, yet what industry will the UK be left with it if it continues down the path it is taking within the EU? 

We don't have any choice in the UK, we have to leave the EU, and as Thatcher said, "Buy British', she knew how important it was that the people of the UK defend their own jobs and industries. She also understood that creative innovation was imperative.

That is why industrial product design and corporate identity was a major aspect of the work that Thatcher inspired. Along with 'Investors in People'. Time to invest in our own people and to help our own people to make a breakthrough due to the pressure on parents impacting upon the children of the nation and their futures. 

Poverty is the highest that its been for 100 years, all due to immigration policy and being a member of the EU. We've watched our country and families be 'dismantled' and removed from their homes due to the 'Bedroom Tax', and the austerity measures brought in by successive governments. We've seen food banks soar in response to feed the people that require it.

People with no food, what does that say about the UK and those in Westminster, what does that say about justice and mercy? 32 people have been dying daily due to what DWP have done, perhaps Patel can turn her attention to that and leave the EU campaign to Nigel Farage and his supporters.

Patel we have a humanitarian crisis in the UK, we have a health crisis in the UK, please turn your heart to the children.

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