
Sunday 15 May 2016


I tried to curl up in bed today but when I did the tears came for this empath, so I knew something was up. Just read about the bus crash in north London with 4 children and 17 injured altogether, another double decker bus that has gone into a shop. Then there was ferry collision in Hampshire and another plane crash in the UK.

However, the startlingly news is that the Daily Mail agony aunt, columnist Sally Brampton has passed over aged 60.  It is written that they've found her body in the sea at St Leonards, East Sussex after she walked into it. If you worked in the media then Sally Brampton is certainly someone that caught your eye.

She was just 30 years old when she became the launch editor of British ELLE magazine and wrote an advice column. 'The current British Elle editor-in-chief, Lorraine Candy paid tribute, describing her as a "kickass boss" who nurtured new talent with the same enthusiasm as she nurtured her family and friends.'

Three marriages difficult journey through life, successful in her business and creative life, yet true happiness eluded her in her love life. It always amazes me how a woman that intelligent and talented would make black the colour that would be her style. Black the colour of mourning and funerals.

Did she not investigate colour and the power of wearing black on her body, the impact of that on her energetic fields? Didn't she even realise that the Russian scientific research existed that would explain it to her?

Menopause is very difficult for many women due to it having such a powerful impact on the energies of a woman. At age 60 she would still be in her second Saturn Return that is also a very difficult time, as it brings forth anything that wasn't healed on the first return. That is why the self-healing, self-development process is so important.

Five planets have also been retrograde although it would be interesting to know what medication the doctors had been giving her. The 10th of May was also the 'Day of Isolation'. In this obituary it is written that Sally believed that her depression was genetic.

In my 20's I was overcoming 'cancerous cells' and success in my career in the creative industry was the last thing on my mind. When you've gone though that for a few years it certainly brings reality of life and living it into clear focus. In those circumstances life and living it becomes more important than careers, due to how precious life is. In fact, life and living it even becomes more important than relationships, because this is your life, and it is up to you to make sure that you live. When you've gone through that at such a young age, it certainly changes your perspectives on life.

In my 30's I was going through a similar journey as Sally on an emotional level, doing my utmost to come to terms with different realities. It was than that I began my self-healing journey and once on the path of healing, always on the path of life.

In the video above Sally said that there were no other books written by people who had experienced depression. I cannot agree with her on that point, a lot of people have written books about their experiences, including myself. When the new millennium began, I was lecturing at exhibitions, to speak to people about it and how I made my breakthroughs to inspire others to do the same.

I also offered a 'Depression Clinic' to help  people with the journey, and tried to raise money for healing centres for 'Depressed and Suicidal Children'. However, it was hard to get media support for a mission of compassion and mercy.

In January 2006,  I was speaking at London Excel at the launch of a new Personal Development exhibition on Spiritual Psychology with the fast track results that had manifested at Sure Start with the underprivileged families.

Where was Sally Brampton, where was the media?

I remember how the counsellors didn't like hearing what this Sure Start consultant had to say about their service. The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping. Although the Indians in London were able to embrace what I was sharing with them as truth.

From the age of Sally's birth we're given the soul journey of the north node Sagittarius, and that indicated that she would be a person that lived in her head very much. It also shows us that Sally's soul journey was about Sally finding out who Sally was and what spirituality was to be for her.

It is often the case that if a person doesn't get on with why they incarnated by the age of 49, they rarely do afterwards. It can often mean a leap in faith and leaving an industry and career behind to move onto the new life. Many women of our generation made that shift in the 90's.

Its about following that inner knowing and intuition instead of the mental process. Huge trust is required to bolster the confidence with a new beginning in a new life when  a person trusts in the spiritual forces around them. As Jan says, that's when they reconnect with the peace of mind they've been seeking.

Sally's healing song as shared by Jan Spiller, author of Astrology of the Soul.

So now I'm here, and it wasn't so hard at all.
To become what I saw, 'cause' I believed it in my heart.
And its so much more than words, but I had to do my part.
Looking back  I can recall, but the hardest part of all,
Was a risk to my whole being,
It took so much trusting.

What Sally's soul required was a lot of soul healing and the medics couldn't give her that. Remember Jesus warned about the medics and their drugs that he called 'Poison of Death'. Mark 16 Aramaic Bible.

May Sally Brampton rest in peace, for she will be remembered in the world of the British media industry. May her family and friends be comforted, my heart goes out to them at this time.

Interesting that I had an ELLA dream in recent days, ELLA and her bright colours.

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