
Wednesday 25 May 2016

Saatchi and Saatchi Divisive

Saatchi and Saatchi advertising agency, known for its support and campaigns for the Conservatives from the Thatcher era. However, what on earth are they thinking of in creating such a divisive poster in our country?

Ever heard of Operation Black Vote? Goodness gracious me, what do they think they are doing to our nation? I agree with Nigel Farage, he described it a 'disgusting example of sectarian politics'. So who is their chief executive that supports what the agency has done?

A man with the name of Magnus Djaba. Does he have any integrity?

Yes, the working class definitely shook up the industry in the 70s', unlike you Magnus I began in the industry at the tender age of 16. Raw talent that wasn't formulated by any college or university. 

Let me inform you, people don't register to vote for numerous reasons.

1. People know that the councils sell the peoples private information to the corporations. Not only that but the medical profession as sold the peoples medical records to Capita too! The people know that every council is a corporation that taxes them to the hilt.

2. People then receive loads of 'junk mail'. The best response to that is to return it to sender and put it back into the mail box. How the direct mail agencies doing these days? LOL!

3. Saatchi and Saatchi have taken on the American politics of Obama's divisiveness with Magnus Djaba. You can keep your 'American race card', the true Brits only have ace cards in our right hand of righteousness.

It is not white versus black, and nor has it ever been. Its time our children appreciate that they are truly loved. It wasn't white children that were 'bullying' Indian children in colleges and universities up and down the country. It was Muslims that were 'bullying' Hindu children. It was Asian youth -v- Asian youth.

How much does Magnus Djaba know about that? Has he lived in the 'deprived' areas of Birmingham or Manchester? I remember the creatives that did come from those areas and we had great fun in London together.

You see the Hindu Asian children were seen as easy pickings. Far easier to convert than Christians, and some Muslims go for the weakest link that was deemed to the be the Hindu children and their spirituality.

The Conservatives are trying everything, they're even gone as far as to say that if we leave the EU, it will create WW3, and more austerity. Who are they trying to kid? Its already been pointed out that if we leave the EU all debt would be repaid by 2030.

Its a clear sign that they don't have the experts, they've even hired Alan Sugar now as an enterprise expert. LOL, the Conservatives leaning on the working class boy, that is now a TV personality.

Clearly, the conservatives can't find their way with the economy and jobs. That's why they're making children and the disabled become self-employed. The Conservatives call that new businesses, LOL, what they really mean is people with no jobs, having to find a way to cover the poverty that the conservatives have created with their entry into the EU with open borders for immigration.

Alan Sugar and the Sugar Tax, when was the last time that the TV personality had a successful product range? Amstrad technology, and the 1980's, big smiles.

Someone tell Magnus Djaba that this is not the 70's, or 1984, this is the 21st century that was born in wisdom. Girl power, its raining men!

By George we will take our country back!

Now that 'baby George, he's a 'naughty boy'.

Bless hum.

As the heavenly Father said, 'The Rastarians are coming'. 

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