
Friday 20 May 2016

Russell Brand 'Heroine Addict' Documentary

This is some of the Russell Brand documentary on 'Herioine Addiction Empathy and Compassion'.

In the documentary he has a discussion with the police that are carrying out 'arrests.'

He speaks to the people that are 'arrested' and at the end of it he talks to a so-called professional, the Professor that believes that these people should continue to be 'locked up' for the sake of society.

The Professor does not seem to be able to accept that what we're talking about here is a serious health issue and what the 'addicts' require is support and help to make a breakthrough.

Russell Brand himself knows the power of the support and help that he received to make a breakthrough and really that is what he asking for.

Empathy and compassion for people who found themselves in life conditions whereby they did become 'addicted' to drugs in the same way that he did. It does no good to lock 'addicts' up, in fact, that just creates even more trauma to their bodies and soul.

People ask why isn't money being funnelled into treatment and healthcare for these people. I will tell you why, the heavenly Father told us why a few days ago, when he spoke of the RANSOM. When people are 'arrested and locked up', they then have to go to court and then they're fined.

That is the ransom that they pay. 'Addicts' are contributing to the cost of funding the police force. If you check out the word 'RANSOM' you will see how it applies to the tax!

If a person was just taken into care they wouldn't get their tax then would they, and proper care costs money. Be aware, be very aware, because Cameron is planning more privatisation of the police force, which will mean more laws so that they can raise more taxes from the people that they 'arrest'.

Remember this that Jesus warned about the 'arrests' in this timeline, for it is written in the prophecies in scripture. Who can 'unlock' a soul, when it has experienced such a reality, as to what the police do to their consciousness? We know scientifically that sound also impacts upon their DNA and changes it. Our bodies have many vibrational frequencies and what the police do to the people impacts upon those frequencies. Change must happen for these people. However, it is how that change happens and what is provided for them that really matters. For what is life, human kindness is essential, humans being kind is something that humanity is having to integrate on many different levels.

The never ending cycle that has to have a breakthrough to change the system that the 'addicts' find themselves in. As you can see in this documentary, these are poor people, from poor families, and the girls are asking for help to get out of where they are. They would like to change their lives, they would like to live a dream, they require the magnanimous love and support to help them with their recovery.

I support Russell Brand and his will to call out the so-called professionals. For how can anyone work in healthcare unless they have the true empathy and take compassionate action to help those that require it, when they require it.

I have worked with people that took 'drugs' in the past, and they made wonderful breakthroughs, they were offered the opportunity to change, and they took it with both hands. I was really happy that they did accept that opportunity and that it had such a powerful positive impact on their lives. They celebrated that they were clean, and it brought great joy to their hearts and to mine too.

'It was I that taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realise that it was I that healed them'. Hosea 11:3

New life can come to be, a new era can come to be when enough people embrace it together and work together for the good of all. At the end of the day, it comes back to teamwork and Russell certainly had a supportive team to catapult him into a different reality and the money to pay for it.

That's a fact it costs, transformation costs money, and how many can afford to pay for it?

In this documentary you can feel the genuineness in his heart and his knowingness of the situation.

'Be perfectly united in mind and thought'. 1 Corinthians 1:10

'Good deeds are obvious, and even those that are hidden,
cannot remain hidden forever'.
1 Timothy 24

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