
Saturday 28 May 2016


A new study featured in the Daily Telegraph suggests that MS could be reversed with a calorie-restricted diet. The scientists are so excited by their findings that they are moving to large scale human trials.

The article states that the regime involves cutting normal calorie counts in half for three days in every seven. They've called it the 'Fasting Mimicking Diet' (FMD) that significantly lowers the percentage of damaging immune cells, while allowing the protecting coating to regrow.

These latest findings published last year, follow studies by the same USC lab that found that diet can entirely REBOOT the  IMMUNE SYSTEM'.

You can read the full article to read all about it.

Rebooting the immune system, reminds me of the message from the heavenly Father some years ago, when he spoke of yours truly rebooting humanity.

Of course I am pleased as the local MS charity is one of the charities that I fund raised for when they asked for help in the 90's.

Best wishes to everyone involved in the human trials.

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