
Tuesday 31 May 2016


Happily Putin arrives by boat in the sunshine at port Dafni, on Mount Athos for a monastery visit. 

Apparently, it marks a 1,000 year presence of the Russian Orthodox monks at the site.

Mount Athos is commonly referred to in Greek as the 'Holy Mountain'. 

It has had a continuous Christian presence for 1,800 years. 

It was listed as a world heritage site in 1988. 

Interesting that women are not allowed to go to this location. 

Although the link on the location speaks of a legend that Mary went to it with John.

Greece is definitely blessed with such strong support. Greece now has an option and they're not dependent upon the EU anymore. Agreements have been signed between Greece and Russia, while Obama, Cameron and representatives of the EU were in Japan for G7. 

Its no coincidence that this has happened at the time of the 'GRAND CROSS', or that I was compelled to go to the Greek Islands for my honeymoon after getting married to my husband in the 70's. After the last days of the end times had begun.


It is in the Greek Islands that we rode donkeys together. Greece and the Greek Islands always in my heart and Isaiah 54 tells you what happened afterwards.


My son only went to the Greek Islands once, his grandparents took my son to Corfu. As far as I remember it was their last holiday together.

The monastery of GREAT LAVRE is said to be the first monastery that was built. It holds one of the richest collections of Greek manuscripts in the world. Interesting that its originator died when one of the domes went on his head. A clear sign that it should not have been built. For what use would Jesus have for monasteries with only men in it? It looks like they saw it as a way to keep the ancient Coptic texts protected.

As we know Jesus, the man of equality of men and women living in spiritual community together. Intentional communities with his healers with their oils and other disciplines with which to heal the poor and give them healing successes.

Whats for breakfast?

Oats, sunflower, pumpkin, chia seeds.

A plum and some sultanas.

Greek yoghurt.

For lunch I shall an open egg mayonnaise sandwich with lettuce, cucumber and spring onion.

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