
Thursday 26 May 2016


I dosed off in the garden in the sunshine with the sun on my hips and back, and I began to have a dream. In the dream I was in a garden outside of a house, and people were going into the bedroom with a wooden floor with wet feet. So I asked the people not to do that because their wet feet were leaving marks on the floor.

Then a younger man came into the garden looking for me. It felt like I knew him from years ago, from the 90's, and we were chatting. I asked him whether he was still living where he used to live, and he wouldn't confirm whether he was or not. He wasn't sharing much, it was like he was trying to find out where I was at.

So I asked him if he had seen a mutual acquaintance, and he said that he hadn't seen that woman because she 'kept on trying to sell him things.' I was trying to gently find out why the spiritual man had sought me out after all of these years, as he hasn't stayed in touch, and he didn't seem to be very happy. It was clear that he had something very serious on his mind.

Then after that a woman with long blonde hair, on a tan horse arrived, on an amazing large horse. People were trying to get close to the horse and rider. There were other horses too, the rider warned them to stay back, in case the horse kicked.

People were still outside in the garden, and the garden was all wet. Like it had poured with rain. There was apparatus in the garden like in a playground for children.

Then eventually, while the young man and I were talking, he shared why he had come to see me. He said that his sister had 'Parkinson's Disease', and so did he, and he came to find out if I could help him and his sister. Parkinson's is another neurone condition, and it was found that smoker's have a lesser risk of getting it. Interesting that 'ESTROGEN' is mentioned on the wiki link as 'Estrogen was also given divinely previously.

In the dream, I shared with him that a lot of people were experiencing a lot of different health conditions. Then the dream ended.

After I woke up, I received the message, MARE. 

In the Equine community people give flower essences and herbal remedies to their horses and it is written that some mare owners say that mares are more intelligent and courageous. In wild herds, the mare will take the lead, and lead the other horses to grazing pasture, and to water. Known to lead the horses away from danger. She eats and drinks first, decides where the herd will move and when.

In dream interpretation, the colour of the horse is important and to see a tan horse relates to a love affair, riders certainly have a love affair with their horses. To see horses in a dream can indicate a period of all-round ease. In the 90's I had clients that owned horses and were involved with horses, they came on recommendation from people in the Equine community.

To dream of 'disease' in general is a dream of contrary, and can signify happy times ahead. If the dream involved an 'illness' of someone known to you, it can indicate good luck for that person.

To dream of water can indicate contentment and peace of mind. Especially if the water was gently flowing, although there were puddles in the garden, indicating a large downpour. They brought the rain from outside of the home, to the inside of the home.

Bare feet can indicate new experiences, and those bare feet made the bedroom floor wet in the dream.

To dream of your own garden with apparatus in it, can indicate that people will come to you for advice on how to make their lives more comfortable and how to improve them.

If the garden was in bloom, it indicates the absolute best, and foretells of spiritual satisfaction, domestic love, and financial security.

Interesting that the 4th June, is the EPSOM DERBY.

UPDATE 27th May, 2016. 

I received a phone call today, for an appointment on the 3rd June and that is the 'Day of Expression'.

June is interesting as at the beginning of the year, I received a divine message that I would be able to move forward in June.

1 comment:

  1. Our region is flooding, a months rain in a matter of hours again. A wet start to summer. The dream certainly let us know that the rain was coming.
