
Monday 2 May 2016

Manhattan Church Fire

Early today I posted what I saw while in the bath, and that I heard the David Bowie song, 'Let's Dance'.

Now there is news that a Serbian Church is on fire in Manhattan and David Bowie lived in Manhattan with his family. The Serbian Church is also on Broadway, and Broadway is known for its theatre and dance.

Apparently the fire began when an oil-candle at the entrance of the church was blown over by a gust of wind. However, this fire looks much bigger than what an oil-candle would create in a building of that size. The fire is huge, some said there were people in that building. Although the news report says everyone is safe and that there are 'no injuries'.

And this happens when people are celebrating Easter around the world.

Saint Sava and his remains were burnt by the Ottomans.

It was also written that David Bowie was cremated.

Now every time I hear his song 'Let's Dance', I will think of Manhattan.

Although Jesus does like to dance.

1st May is the 'Day of Dignity'. 

'Their work will be shown for what it is,
because the day will bring it to light.
It will be revealed with fire
and the fire will test the quality of each person's work'.
1 Corinthians 3:13

1 comment:

  1. More orthodox Church fires - this time in Australia.
