
Sunday 22 May 2016


Its some years ago now when GELATINE was given divinely to be eaten for my back. Yesterday, my jelly gelatine arrived and when my son was a child I made my son a lot of jelly and fruit to have for dessert. In recent years I've also been developing different soups to encourage people to be inventive and creative with their cooking. To eat what the body requires for the different health conditions that people often develop the older they get.

Last night I had a rice dish with a chicken thigh, as my body likes to eat the gentleness of rice at the moment as it is still recovering from what the 'antibiotics' did to it.

I have had success with the inversion therapy and it definitely does stop the sciatica, although you have to do it for a few minutes each day. I do partial inversion and its so easy to do at home. Healers learn from their successes, although prior to doing inversion, people should check with their doctors whether it is suitable for them. One of the advantages of inversion is that it increases oxygen in the blood flow and more oxygen going to the brain and the neurones.

The Benefits of Bone, Broth and Gelatine. Dr Amanda Weeks discusses the benefits of gelatine. Dr Amanda Weeks also mentions the importance of the collagen to the bones. As we know, divinely we have also been given a collagen booster that we can get from manganese. Although the marrow, the gelatine from bones is also very important to keep your bones healthy in the long term.

So Gelatine is back on the menu for yours truly.

Liquorice is also good for the back.

My son often buys me jellies for my back.

When he buys me jellies I know he is thinking of me and my health.

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