
Monday 30 May 2016


A lot is being written on the internet and youtube about 'Depression', yet if we look at the end of the word what do we find? ZION. The latest celebrity involvement is the 'Chatter Box', 'Ruby Wax' that has brought out a book that Russell Brand is promoting.

How many more celebrities will get on the American band wagon?

Interesting that Nostradamus wrote about how expensive the honey would be and more expensive than wax.  C1.Q44. Interesting numeric that 144 that also links to biblical prophecy and the book of Revelation.

Biblical prophecy also spoke of the fact that wisdom is more precious than rubies.

How many comprehend the true Christ teachings and how Carl Jung did his utmost to translate it to people so that they could understand some of the initiations of life on the rite of passage?

Its no coincidence that he wrote of trustful loyalty and translated it accurately. Whereas the Church translated the Greek word as 'Faith', whereas in Hebrew the closest translation to it is Faithfulness, as in being faithful to your spiritual journey and healing practice. The Psalms also provided a prophecy from David about the 'Harp of Faithfulness' that would come.

For truly when a person is 'sick of being sick', then they make a breakthrough with their soul searching for the answers. For that is where it begins the healing of self, with soul searching to understand what happened and why?

Sometimes people require a leg up to get back on that horse again, to live life fully again. Sometimes people have to change their lives and learn to drive a carriage, like learning to drive a car. After the car is driven, licensed, and is on the road, the freedom that people then enjoy. The freedom to come and go, whenever they wish to do so.

The mobility it gives to people, and the choices that are on offer. The opportunities that can be accepted, the invitations to go where you are divinely guided to go. Life opens up when people are willing to see the bigger picture, becoming an observer of your experiences, instead of being embroiled in those experiences.

It reminds me of my mother after dad passed over. She was determined to drive his large and heavy estate car, she took those driving lessons, she passed her test, and off she went with her large dog.

I like to think that I might have inspired her to do it, as I had just passed my driving test prior to his passing. I'm sure it was competition for her, if my daughter can do it, I can do it too! She was an excellent driver and drove to many different locations like I did too.

Yes, she got up, she learned to drive that carriage, it changed her life and she was enabled to do what she would like to do, when she would like to do it. She could move from location to location, she had become master of her life, and could visit whoever she wished to, when she wished to, for the first time in her life.

Not once did she speak of 'depression', although we were all deeply 'bereaved', and did our utmost to support and help each other through it, that's what family is for isn't it? Being there for each other, when you are most required to be so?  We did put on that brave face and smiles for each other, and try to make the best of the rest of our lives together.

When clients asked yours truly to write a book of my life experiences, when the opportunity arose to do so, I did so. It included many aspects of life, the recovery of different health conditions. From 'Depression', 'Cancerous Cells',  'Skin Disease', to Empowerment and Living the Dream.

It really was BEING the CONTENT of self-expression for those that required it at that time. Writing a book about your recovery and self-healing journey is incredibly self-healing, it can cause you to cry as you have large releases of memories while writing.  Writing your memoirs is empowering, even if you just write it for your own development. That is why writing a journal is very important, whether you share it not. Your journal is an important aspect of your transformation and self-disclosure.

It was written in six weeks, I sat and wrote from early in the morning to late at night until it was finished. A non-fiction book of life experience and self-realisations. My son would come in where I was writing extensively, and he would say, Mum when are you going to bed? We were living in Australia at the time, time out to write the first manuscript.

Life can take us through many different phases of being to help others, some lead from the front and pioneer, and some support from behind to help push you forward. Some have already done both realities in awesome ways. Since the turn of the millennium, spiritual people have done our utmost to inspire people to drop the 'labels', due to who gains from it e.g the pharmaceutical industry.

For ultimately, it is about energy and consciousness and the medics don't have a pill for the soul and its growth, development, healing and ascension. That is what Carl Jung was trying to explain to the academics, that the initiations can be worked through productively, so that there is a positive outcome. However, to do that people had to have some comprehension of the soul, and what can happen to its consciousness.

He was doing his utmost to come up with a methodology that would help people to do that and to also understand it. He took dream interpretation seriously, and in his process of development he also began to spread the paint. If you study his artwork and read some of his memoirs, you can see that he was trying hard to come to terms with the 'war' that he had lived through.

There was a spiritual woman in his life, a woman of light and love, who found the academic Carl Jung, to be hard work. Although I think eventually she got through to him, as it is self-evident in his work.

From my own life experience,  I do know that your soul has the ability to make you cry to get your attention, and to make you soul search. For that is where the healing journey begins, soul searching and understanding the self.

We moved on so that the end could come to be, yea ZION, daughter Zion. Micah 4 and the mission to the USA.

ZION in the psalms. How the LORD loves the gates of ZION more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

How ZION defends consciousness and those that have done their utmost to share how to make a breakthrough and liberate the power of love.

As my gran Sophia and mother Lily always used to say, where there is a will, there is always a way.

There is always a way to a breakthrough, there is always a way to liberate the love, if you have the will to find it or the person that can help you and support you through it. The power of love is beyond measure. So be strong in your heart and in your Spirit and give blessings to those that are making their breakthroughs for they are ordained to make it through to the other side with the power of love in their hearts.

Just as the widows son made a breakthrough in his life, I know that inspired many of his friends. The light spread with the power of the love, and nothing can change the power of Reiki and the universal power of love to go where it is most required, when it is required.

When working with the young families, we did the self-development work together, they were also blessed with Reiki healing training courses to further empower their energy of love. Healers learn from their successes; and it is those successes that we passed on during our lives on the planet.

Success was passed forward and given to the poor, as Jesus wished for it to be. Mission accomplished, we reached our goal, mercifully, and compassionately.

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