
Thursday 5 May 2016


In recent years I have looked into various 'Crowdfunding' websites for different projects, and being a woman that ran her own businesses in the past, I look at the websites through the eyes of a business woman. I just don't like whats happening to the poor and how the rich are getting richer on the backs of the poor and their efforts.

What the 'Crowdfunding' websites are doing is not what Jesus had in mind, what he had in mind was real charity, real giving and real sharing. From the rich to the poor, without the rich gaining from it in business or financially. Crowdfunding websites are also collecting huge databases of donators from the networks of the people.

Just like youtube, the people are building their business for them, instead of the people being the main benefactors of charitable giving. Youtube has become so rich that celebrities are asking for a bigger chunk in music royalties when in fact it was their fans that made youtube what it has become.

When Jesus was financed by business people to do his spiritual work, he didn't have to give those business people anything, although some of them could train with him if they wished to do so.

The thing is some people thought that Jesus would put some people out of business due to his followers healing and helping the poor. 'Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share'. 1 Timothy 6:18. And what happens if the rich are not willing to share? 'The rich should take pride in their humiliation-since they will pass away like a wild flower'. James 1:10. 

That certainly happened to a couple that didn't pay my wages, their business, house, cars, everything went. However, that wasn't crowdfunding, that was a consultancy commission, when I was asked to be the stand-in Managing Director while they were abroad on business. The rest of the time the consultancy was as the Marketing Director for their IT company. If you've had a career in marketing, during your life, working in many different industries with many different clients. You can work with any company or business.

There is a better way than the existing 'Crowdfunding' websites that are getting the most publicity because the people are promoting it by being there and promoting it to their networks.  I've had over a million visitors to my blogs since December 2008 and there have been very few donations received over the years. Is that because most of those people viewing are poor, or that people are not charitable enough to make a contribution and share? You can be sure that the people viewing from Dubai can afford to make a contribution, big smiles!

I gave a video to people on youtube and shared with the people that were following my videos that if they didn't make a contribution and share willingly, than I would have to stop making the videos. Then after I stopped making videos, people asked me to make videos again. Yet, they didn't offer to make a contribution to the time involvement.

When I don't like a business model, or how a business is run. I usually come up with something better than what is already on offer. Watch this space!

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