
Wednesday 4 May 2016


On the 3rd of May 2016, I had a dream of a blond sportswoman with poles and she was laying on the floor. A sportswoman with poles in a North American reality, and poles are to do with winter sports.

So we were given a location of where people practice winter sports in North America.

This mandala was done for a man that said he lived in ALBERTA. The Maple Mandala, no coincidence than that at the end of 2015, I bought maple syrup for the first time.

ALBERTA had their winter sports in February 2016.

Now ALBERTA is on fire and Alberta is being evacuated.

What did the heavenly Father say on the 2nd May?

He said, 'Now they're going to get the bill'.

Who is premier in that area? Rachel Notley, and there are biblical implications with the name of Rachel. As I have said, recently, think carefully and deeply prior to naming your children, and consider the implications of their names.

No surprise, that Rachel Notley is a skier and there was a woman with poles in the dream of the sportswoman. Married to Lou Arab and they have two children.

So what exactly did the skier do for the natives and children in that area since she was elected? How about the rest of the people involved in winter sports? What did they give to the prophets and mystical healers of God, what did they give to the holy ones? Were they paid their wages, did you pay mine?

Do you remember the biblical prophecy of Malachi about the last days of the end times? Also remember the spiritual law and what the Son of God said about giving. Do you remember what is written in Corinthians and what it says about the flames of fire?

What else?

Prophet Isaiah warned that if they didn't take it to their hearts, the fire would come in this timeline.


Now read Isaiah 54 about the woman and the vindication. 

In that prophecy the name is hidden,
 for it was for those that had the eyes of light to see it.

In the latest news report from Alberta they are saying that the 'fire is unforgiving' that reminds us of what Jesus said about the holy Spirit and that those that stood against the holy Spirit would not be forgiven. Matthew 12:32

'The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything that I have said to you'. John 14:26

'He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and FIRE' Matthew 3:11

Interesting on the first mission to Israel in May 2006, we sat together around the fire. May, the anniversary of the first mission to Israel of yours truly. When the gathering was called to meet on the holy hill in northern Israel. Prophecy fulfilled.

No surprise then that the fire came upon Israel at Jewish New Year in 2010 on Mount Carmel after the Holy Spirit was asked to prove the claim to Americans.  Carmel, the mount of Elijah. Prophecy fulfilled in 2010 after my communication with the heavenly Father.

In 2011, the fire also came upon little Israel in North London and spread throughout the country, another biblical prophecy fulfilled. People were issued with many warnings in advance, the testimony of warning was given. Isaiah 8.



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