
Monday 2 May 2016


This song is for all the friends that came into my life in the 70's while working and partying in London. Especially relevant at this time with the voting for the EU, and the fact that 75 million Turks are on track to get a EU free-visa into the UK. If you include the Ukrainians to that, you are then talking about 125 million people that have free access to the UK that doesn't provide for the people in our nation. Let alone people from other nations.

When I met Turkish people in London, they were working in London, they had their own small business. A friend that I met at work married a Turkish man, and they had two beautiful children.

However, this is not the 70's, now there is a population explosion in the UK, the UK is overpopulated and the infrastructures are imploding.

The Turks that I met in the 70's worked hard during their lives, lovely people. They worked hard to make their lives work in the UK. It was also a time when an Israeli came into my life, and we all used to party together. The Israeli and his brothers had been educated in the UK, they were also in business in the UK. The twin brothers went to America, due to one of the brothers having married an American woman from New York.

One of the Turkish guys returned to Turkey, and there were also Iranians studying in the UK with people from other nations. Germans and Greeks that spoke English were also travelling to the UK for entertainment while they were in the UK on business. The Germans and the Israeli's certainly knew how to entertain a woman. When the German man took a shine to yours truly, I asked him if I could bring my friends too.

So he and his friend took us all out for dinner together, I smiled, more girls than guys. I liked to be safe and I knew that the girls were safer in numbers together. He said, that I looked French, although he looked Italian. He used to phone me at work on a regular basis from Germany, even though he knew that I had a boyfriend. He was lovely, much nicer than my boyfriend. The things that we do when we start dating and the situations that we got ourselves into, big smiles!  I still remember that he had a fashion company called 'Mushroom' in Dusseldorf.

I did consider the possibility of becoming his girlfriend, but he was living in Germany and I was living in England. I didn't like Germany, and I didn't wish to live there. Now if he had moved to England, then we definitely would've become a couple. Interesting that my astrocartography chart indicated that my best relationships with guys would be found in Germany, South Africa or Hawaii.

Now if I had known that in the 70s', wouldn't that have given me an advantage. Alas, I only discovered astrocartography in the 90's prior to going to Australia. Astrocartography is based upon your birth chart and indicates where you are most able to find true love, and from what countries that true love will come from in the compatibility of your chart. So if you are looking for a relationship that is meant to be, I recommend having a chart done. Also make sure that your north nodes are compatible.

I did meet some South Africans during my life, one of them was involved in antiques, Michael had moved to America, and another South African was married and in business. We did work together for many years and he has a lovely family. Interesting that I've had a couple of dreams of him.

Another Germanic man also came into my life as was predicted by a clairvoyant, although he made a different choice in life. The clairvoyant described him accurately, years in advance, that he would he would have blonde hair, wear glasses, and have three children.

Prior to meeting him, I was also given a divine message, 'He will come when the blossom is coming off the trees'. Indeed he did, that's some years ago now. He came into my life prior to the South African that was living in America. Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel. I like a ramble sometimes.

Interesting that the year after the blossom was seen coming off the trees in his presence, I was sent to Israel on the first mission and that was predicted in the book of Ezekiel. The month of May when the blossom comes off the trees. The blossom has come off the trees early this year, I looked at the tree outside my kitchen window yesterday, and the lovely pink blossom as gone already.

1950's children - school pic. 

London in the 70's became what we called 'cosmopolitan' in those days. Children that grew up in London found themselves in a different city that they had once known. London grew greater than itself, and became greater London. The consequences now with the population explosion is that in some schools in greater London, 67% of the children in class don't even speak English. Although when the Turks and people came from other countries in the 70's, they spoke lovely English. How times have changed over the decades.

Life and the way it works out, Isaiah 54 and the prophecy that was fulfilled.

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