
Sunday 17 April 2016


When I woke up today there was a small rainbow above my head in the corner of the bedroom, rays of coloured lights. Heavenly lights.

I thought WOW that was a rainbow. Then the rainbow appeared again and it was the right arc, beautiful. Rainbows in my bedroom, lovely energy. Spiritually, I used to call the rainbow the rainbow of hope, biblically it is a sign of the covenant with God and Joseph with the coat of many colours, and England is the land of Joseph.

'Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights'. James 1:17.

Rainbows of lovely colours. 'Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth'. Genesis 9:16. In that passage it is about NOAH.

If and when I saw a rainbow while travelling I knew that the location was blessed and that we were on track. We saw a lovely rainbow when we were in the Canaries.

'A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne'. Rev 4:3

'A rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars'. Rev 10:1

When my son was asked to design a logo and website for eco-projects for a member of the family of Joseph, he designed it with a rainbow. That was over a decade ago that he designed this logo.

Can the scientists explain that, energetic rainbows manifesting in my bedroom.  Big smiles!

So what else does it say in Rev 10? 'There will be no more delay'. 'In the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets. I was told that you must prophesy about many peoples and nations, languages and kings'. 

No surprise then that the king of rainbows kept on appearing before yours truly in recent years, as seen in the Osho Zen. As I am writing this another rainbow appeared on my left hand as I am typing, I'm living in a rainbow, the coat of many colours.

The rainbow is also mentioned in the book of Ezekiel. 'Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day. So was the radiance around him. This was the likeness of the appearance of the glory of the LORD. Ezekiel 1:28

Maths, no coincidence then that the Son of Joseph's name began with the letter R, Joseph did indeed have a plan for his youngest son. In fact, he gave the letter R in the first name to two of his sons, he was indeed giving a message to his family.

Grandpa Joseph was a big man, built like a bear. His Son was tall, but he had a different stature when he was young.  Grandpa Joseph was very cheeky, he liked fun, and when I was a small child, he pushed the ice cream in my face and laughed while I cried.  I was only about four years old at the time.

That Jewish man was trying to make his grand-daughter strong, he wished to see if I would put that ice-cream back in his face before I started school, but I was too kind to do such a thing to him. I respected my elders, although I wouldn't kiss him, I wouldn't kiss his wife Sarah either. I was very fussy about who I would kiss, I didn't like kissing people.

If my parents asked me to kiss someone and I didn't wish to do so, I would just give them one look, and they knew what it meant. They would try to persuade me to kiss people, but I could not be persuaded, even as a young child, I had my own God-given authority, and boundaries.

Grandma Sophia did a good job bringing me up. In this photograph I am at a birthday party, 1960 in London. When I was little, if a man offered me a bar of chocolate in the street, I would say, 'No thank you' and walk home quickly. I think that some of my cousins are in this photograph of the party.

So when people ask me on what authority do you speak, on the authority of God that he gave me, biblical prophecy tells you that he called my name while I was still in my mother's womb.

'Listen to me you Islands, hear this you distant nations. Before I was born the LORD called me. From my mothers womb he has spoken my name'. Isaiah 49:1

In my recent dream there were two teddy bears on a greetings card.

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