
Saturday 9 April 2016


Physicists at the University of Cambridge have discovered 'No Entanglement'.

'the electrons don't all line up and become entangled'.

In 2014 yours truly shared the biblical passage on 'No Entanglement' on this blog.


You could view it that the 'beggars' in Worthing have 'No Entanglement' with daily life and they are enlisted to ensure that people find their heart of conscience.

You could also view it that people that live a reclusive life have 'no entanglement' because they are also enlisted to defend their realities.

It is often the case and it is usually a defence mechanism - and it proves that the professionals, especially the medics have a lot to learn about spiritual realities that exist outside and beyond daily life that the materialists engage with. Buddhists don't engage with what medics would describe as daily life either do they, the 'Holy Beggars'.

No surprise than that in the bust of Jesus that was discovered, he is wearing a buddhist bun on his head. It was found in the remains of an ancient Greco-Buddhist city on the borders of what is known today as Afghanistan.

It is true that Sanaysins have no entanglement with daily life to impact upon what they have do in service to a greater power above, they're outside of what people would consider to be the social norm. In so doing they are showing humanity that there are other spiritual realities to be respected and honoured for being so.

It is a divine right not to have any 'entanglement' with society and how it operates - if and when society doesn't serve the best interests of the people and that of the poor. When you are enlisted in divine will, it is for divine purpose of humanity. To comprehend the highest level of initiations on the rite of passage, a person as to be free to live in divine will.

The focus is liberation and liberating the love of the people that come for it. When people give to such a person, then they are blessed for as Jesus said, 'They are worthy of the worthy'.

As Jesus said, 'Wisdom will be proven right'. Wisdom more precious than rubies, and living in integrity is essential to gain wisdom.

There were times when the Son of Joseph couldn't be 'entangled' in daily life - and in those days, his wife would take the children out dressed in their best clothes. That enabled him to do what he had been enlisted to do and in his era there were no telephone numbers recorded on phone bills, there was privacy, and he had privacy. So mum didn't know what he had been up to while we had been out. Big smiles, he had Jesus in his heart.

In the 'Plato in the Kitchen' video it mentions Plato's view and includes beauty. I would say that dad was the philosopher in the family and mum created the beauty in life. Although there were times when he also created a garden of beauty in the sunshine of life. So many colours that he loved, so many flowers that he grew.

So many times he held his tongue to ensure children could have their freedom as that was his ideal that he lived, it was also mum's ideal too, they did share a philosophy on life. The freedom that she viewed that she didn't have - although her mother, Sophia did her utmost to protect her from what she had seen during her young life at parties in the 1920's. She did her best to keep her daughter in the light of love beyond measure.

For the children to have the freedom to live as they choose. Yet, it often challenged his heart and conscience, as his standards for living life in integrity, were very high. His qualities admirable, and he wished for his children, his family, to enjoy the best that life could offer the children.

To have more than he had growing up in a large family that were very poor due to the size of it. He didn't wish for his family to be in a position whereby they would be concerned about where the next penny or pound was coming from. He wished for his family to have successful careers, and he did what he could to prepare the children for a life of work.

A family with a strong work ethic, a family that enjoyed work, although there were a larger choice of jobs in those days. It was very different by the time his grandson started work due to the population explosion.

That was the era of people having large families, when the Son of Joseph was born, there was no contraception in those days. It was not unusual for people to have at least nine children. Although in that era there was plenty of room for growth in England. Unlike the population explosion now when the country and its school class size is double and treble the class size that it was when I was at school in the 1950's.

Children remember the beauty that their parents created, although it is often the case that by the time the second child comes along, dad has less time with the second child than he had with his first child.

Dedicated devotion to giving everything that was required in time and effort, to pass on his philosophy of freedom through music, song and dance. Through living it, and providing it, whenever and wherever possible.

From building cars, and sandcastles on the beach for his child to sit in, to doing gymnastics on the beach to strengthen the physical body, and to swim together in the safety of his arms. To utilising food to ensure that the child moved their motions, or began to eat what was required to nourish the body. A joyful and happy face even when he was concerned for his first child and the experience that they had suffered at birth.

The thoughtfulness and kindness, the thoroughness of his teaching naturally about food, and health and fitness, that he knew would be remembered. After he passed over he said, 'Forget-me-not'.

He embraced 'life after death' as he had witnessed it with his own eyes and ears; and due to it his experience, he honoured those that also embraced it.

He was happy, because he knew that he would have the ability to communicate after he had passed over. What he wished to communicate to his loved ones. Just as Joseph his dad was able to communicate with him, so too the Son of Joseph was able to communicate with his daughter.

In his wife he saw natural beauty and creativity, something that he was still finding within himself when he married and isn't that often the case? I also married a man that loved music, and it was the music that we shared that was powerful. For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. He also gave us creativity and the freedom to create in the naturalness of being love.

My parents met in the dance hall, they danced together. I met the man that I married in the workplace and at that time it was our common interests that brought us together. When my work and life changed, so did our relationship, it was the end of it on a physical level. Although the soul connection as continued. It is certainly the case that the birth of my son enabled the overcoming of bereavement, the child a reason to live for, to give and receive the love to each other.

Although there is a much bigger picture to life than people can see when they are young. I like Plato, do you? Did you spend a lot of time in the kitchen with your parents? My son and his friends enjoyed being in the kitchen when they came home from junior school. They would come down the stairs to see what mum would give the children to eat.

The children were always welcome in our home, our door was always open. That was very important to yours truly, that the children had a safe place to be after school. A place that was warm and inviting, a place where the children were always welcome.

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