
Sunday 10 April 2016

Peggy Fortnum - Paddington Bear Artist

Its a pleasure to provide an R.I.P. for Peggy Fortnum that lived in our locality. Peggy the first illustrator to draw Paddington Bear for Michael Bond's children books in pen and ink.

She studied the bears at London Zoo to help her with her artistry.

Peggy was born in Harrow-on-the-Hill, in north-west London, on the 23rd December 1919. Her full name, Margaret Emily Noel "Peggy" Fortnum, the youngest of six children and she passed over at 96 years old on the 28th March 2016. That was a friends birthday, and my parents wedding anniversary.

We all had Paddington Bears in my era of childhood, and so many children became collectors of bears. Children always remember the first bear that they are given, and I certainly made sure that my son had Paddington Bear books when he was young.

How wonderful that the UK had an artist that inspired children all around the world with her Peruvian  Bear that arrived at Paddington Station with his duffle coat and hat. The Guardian report that Peggy began to turn down work in the 70's due to her arthritis, a health subject matter that is being shared on this blog.

She lived through WW2, her 'legs were badly injured' in a transport accident,  a traumatic experience for her body that would certainly impacted upon her neurones and triggered the arthritis.

The Guardian also share with us that Peggy was taught by a wood-engraver John Farleigh who encouraged her to concentrate on illustration. The Guardian have written a great obituary if you would like to read more about her work and life.

Her profile shares that after her injuries she attended the Central School of Art in London. She worked as an art teacher, painter and textile designer prior to becoming a full-time illustrator. That was certainly the era for the illustrators and amazing works that inspired generations prior to computerisation. So get off those computers children, and illustrate.

Peggy's husband was also an artist and sculptor and he worked at the Colchester School of Art.

In the history of the story, the author was going to make it an African bear until he was reminded that Africa don't have bears. So it was decided to make it a Pervian bear that was found at the Paddington Station by the Brown family. I've always liked marmalade, since a child, and funny that I worked near Paddington Station, off of Edgware Road in the early days of starting work.

The bronze is mentioned in the biblical prophecy of Isaiah 60:17.

He is the maker of the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, the constellations of the south. Job 9:9.

Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons, or lead out the bear with its cubs? Job 38:32

I think we should have Paddington Bear day in junior schools in the UK, a Paddington Bear Museum to include an illustration centre for children and artists where she lived in her honour. To continue the legacy and pass it forward.

An award for budding child artists, the bears are also biblical. How many countries have an artist that has inspired children all around the world?

England has creative talent! Paddington Bear a children's classic that stood the test of time.

Its no coincidence that I began painting the heads of bears in 2012, it was clearly important! We also did a healing session with three bears and a miracle was the result. The last time that I gave a child one of my bears was in 2015, and his mother shared, that he is doing good with the flower essence remedies prescribed.

Glory be to God, for as he said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it!'. 

I shall dedicate my shabbat salad to Peggy Fortnum.


Plate of mustard water cress, covered in fresh dill and chives. Squeeze half an orange for your dressing on the green salad. Then grate a large carrot on the top of the green salad and dressing.

You can have some steamed asparagus around the edge cut into pieces for decoration. Great love tips.

Then put a four egg mayonnaise with the rest of the dill sprinkled in paprika in the centre of your salad. Served with two crisp bread ryvita. Delicious salad for one for your health conditions, full of nutrients that digests easily.

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