
Wednesday 6 April 2016

Morning Star Focus CCG Contracting

John Lister has written an excellent article about what is happening in the NHS in the UK. I think he has summed it up excellently, 'underfunded, underpaid, and under pressure'.

This article also comes at a time when our junior doctors find themselves in a position whereby they have no choice but to go on strike.

Never mind they're calling for volunteers to work for nothing to prop up the cuts in expenditure implemented by DWP, DWP would like everyone to work for free.

Contracts worth £240 are being handing out to private companies, and no, no new jobs are being created.

Morning Star Newspaper responds to what is happening in the NHS, an excellent article, with a read.,-underpaid-and-under-pressure#.VwVlvofFuL8

The article mentions the clinical commissioning groups, (CCG) and it also mentions how these contracts are not meant to improve services by improving facilities that are available.

These contracts are about 'cutting' services and facilities in healthcare due to the huge 'deficit' that the NHS finds itself in due to underfunding during a time of a population explosion.

There used to be a comedy series in the UK called, 'Never mind the quality, feel the width' and it does remind us of our local NHS and what is happening to it.

Whoever came up with the word 'service-user' that the private contractors put in their press releases should go back to school or get a decent marketing company or PR person.

The only 'service-users' are the private contractors that are making huge sums of money from fulfilling the demands of DWP, that is clearly being passed on via CCG. The local press hail the win of a major budget as something new, when in fact, it is being given to an existing provider that patients have already 'complained' about.

For instance, I asked to see a foot consultant for the injury in my foot and I have since come to the conclusion; that the managing director, Lynne Woodcock that provided the service to the NHS, doesn't know what Podiatry is or what a great consultant of it is capable of.

When you begin to start looking into the private contractors you then find that they have more than one company, the links with their companies also include links with the BT Group. Hence the expensive phone lines that are costing patients a large amount of money when they call what they think is an NHS helpline for help.

Its only when their telephone bill arrives that the patients and their families, realise what that call cost them. So for instance the family of a 'stroke' patient, it cost them nearly £30 in phone calls to try to enlist some social care help from the NHS. People are 'dying', and private contractors are smiling with £7M in cash over five years in their bank accounts.

So check out Essex Contractor Services in Clacton, Essex and ACECIC, Both companies owned by the same private contractors. Bids have been put in for contracts and it is clear that the bid goes to the contractor that promises to 'cut the deficit' the most.

Seriously, it is not about the real healthcare of the patients because if it was - Lynne Woodcock would not have been given the contract due to the 'complaints' about the previous health care provided. I've recommended that people contact the BMA and the GMC with their reality checks, sending copies of their letters to the DWP.

So who else is involved? Richard Kearton, ex-banker, and BT Group man. No surprise then that a man that was also a local councillor and MP also began his career at BT. Bob Russell is now in the House of Lords after voting for 'austerity cuts.' They're all riding on the same London train.

'Its a tapestry' of local politicians, from CEO's of the councils, to councillors from County Councils, the politicians that are what the heavenly Father called, 'The bane of your life', and yes people are 'dying' in the hands of the NHS.

Its so interwoven, with the different political parties, and their different colours silks and wools, it takes time to see the whole picture. Its the NHS tapestry that is being put on the wall to hide what is going on underneath it. The NHS logo once stood for consistency, strength, and stability, not anymore.

Any private contractor hired by CCG can now have the NHS logo on what they provide. Hence, many patients didn't realise that what they were getting was not coming from NHS employees.

I spoke to a health visitor that worked for the NHS today, and she explained now you don't get to see the consultant in the specialist area of expertise, its now a team. Its clear that you now have to go through various layers prior to getting to see the person that really knows what they're doing.

It takes so long to become a consultant, I knew a doctor who sat her speciality consultancy exams eight times.

Its not easy to become a consultant, it can take decades and if you are anticipating seeing a consultant because your medical condition is serious, a specialist consultant is who you should see, not one of their team that they have created from privatisation. It doesn't matter how many complaints are made, nothing is improving in the national healthcare system in the UK.

It is purposefully being allowed to 'disintegrate' before your very eyes, so that it can be privatised fully into an income generating machine. However, I spoke to someone the other day and they said that they had left BUPA that they had paid into, because when it came to having an operation, it didn't cover what BUPA had led her to believe it would and the extra costs were more than she could afford to pay.

So after paying into BUPA for all of those years, at the end of the day, she ended up going to the NHS for her operative procedure. So whether you claim for NHS care due to paying your national insurance contributions, or whether you paid extra into private healthcare, people are still returning to the NHS.

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