
Thursday 28 April 2016

Monifa Sterling Case

You have to laugh with America when you see cases like this. A young marine discharged due to not following orders to remove a bible verse from her work area. For such an act has defending the authority of your heart and truth, its a court martial and removal of all entitlements in the USA.

God's law is above man's law. If Monifa wishes to stay in then she should be allowed to stay in with her bible verses. If she would like to be discharged, then discharge her with full entitlements. She deserves it for standing up for herself and that which she trusts in.

Isaiah 54 is about peace, so why couldn't the military make peace with her and her heart, rather than take it to the military's highest court instead? It sounds like man's 'military pride' to me.

I still have the turquoise and lapis lazuli that I wore in the 90's, as mentioned in the biblical prophecy.

A healer that I once knew gave me a ruby, although I never wore it, wisdom is more precious than rubies.

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