
Saturday 30 April 2016


Earlier this year I was compelled to buy a Jasmine plant and Jasmine oil. Now young Jasmine as arrived just 14. Just listen to her voice, her voice is more important than her age or body. Young Jasmine is blessed with a wonderful voice.

Best wishes to the young one and her family. 

She has lovely fingers. Dad called them piano fingers. 

And her hand is up.


Its wonderful when parents take the time out to listen to their children sing, when they are invited to do so. Parents make sure that you spare the time to listen to the voices of your children when you are are called to do so. For in your children there is natural talent, can you hear it?

Some parents do not support that their child should become a singer due to what the career involves.

A voice such as that cannot be silenced, it will always find a way to surface and be seen and heard. In some cases it might take decades, although eventually it is heard by those that are meant to hear it.

The voice can manifest in many different ways from singing in Westminster Abbey while at senior school, until the day comes when the voice is recorded and distributed as mine was. The voice of the true will always find its way in the world, it will be heard, for the LORD God ordained it to be so.


Here she comes again with her angelic wings, bless her.

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