
Thursday 7 April 2016


While resting I had a dream today in the dream my son was hoovering up. Then I saw a healer and he was incredibly frail, I was very concerned about this health, and I continued to offer my help to help him. In the dream he found it really hard to accept any help that was offered to him, and I remember something to do with nutrients.

In the next cameo of the dream I was with a very experienced electrician that often works abroad, and its not the first that I have seen Graham in dream state. He was happy, and I spoke to him of the man that I had seen earlier in the dream. I was sharing with Graham about the healer and how professional he was, and Graham smiled, and replied, 'Where do you think I have been going all of these years'. I was really happy that he had put the effort in and that's all that I remember of the dream.

When I woke up, I pondered on the fact that men often find it difficult to accept help from a female healer, and even most men would rather work with a male healer than allow themselves to be vulnerable in the hands of a woman. As they sometimes view it.

The dream was specific in location and locality. It was very specific in relation to the three people in the dream. My son the younger was doing the housework, Peter the elder was in a health situation, and the man that was a similar age to myself, was looking as physically healthy as ever.

It makes you think about how men that have done physical outdoors work for most of their lives are still incredibly healthy, all that light to their bodies through the pores of their skin. If those men then also do inner healing work, than how powerful are they? The Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.

I also pondered upon how 'frail' people can become as they age - and the nutrients required to defend the bodies of the people against such 'frailty'. We do know that there are certain enzymes that people require for muscle strength, and oxygen from nutrients is also required the older that people get. In the dream the elder looked like he required feeding up with some decent food to fatten him up.


When I was young, my mother impressed upon me how important it was to have some weight on you, so that if you were ever ill, then you would have some padding to support you -  if and when you were 'ill.'

I certainly did have weight that could support me after an 'illness' kicked in big time, an 'illness' that impacts on appetite and ability to eat. I was able to shed weight as I had enough to ensure that it could support me. I hope that this dream is a dream of insight, a dream that tells of the moral of a story, as in sharing a parable of life.

Just because a person is a healer doesn't necessarily mean that they will be healthier than others that have lived a different lifestyle. Just because you can create miracles for others, doesn't necessarily mean that you will create a miracle for yourself or that others will accept them. Sometimes it is essential to reach out to others and accept their help that is offered to you.

Its great to be lean, but its also important that you have more than you require to live. Does that make sense? My son was hoovering and hoover as become a generic name of those electrical appliances.

So we can view this dream in different ways, as all the people in the dream had worked with electricity in different ways. Electrical appliance, electrical bodily instrument, electrical wiring and connections and I was talking about specific nutrients that work with the bio-magnetic electrical system of the body. Remember in electrics the wire is always covered appropriately, even the contents of a plug is covered.

Do you think that your body is any different? Do you realise that your body as defence mechanisms, to defend the body from the intrusion of dust particles?

The hoover is also an appliance that clears things up and that includes dust particles. Dust particles also impact on the electrics of the body, if the dust gets inside the body. It requires the oxygen to remove the dust and blow it out of the body in another type of appliance, as in a vehicle to remove it.

Dust can be breathed in the air, and a lot of people talk about what is in the air. What is in the air can also settle on the ground, and the man in the dream lives closer to an airport than I do. The impact of an airport is huge, as it also impacts on the birds in the air, the chicken farms and other food that people eat. So people can think that they are breathing in country air, when in fact they are breathing in something quite different to what they think.

How many people actually test the quality of the air that they breath and how much real oxygen is in that air? How can you improve the air in your homes? Lots of green plants and I also recommend lavender. What about inside of your body? Sea plants are recommended by people involved in nutrition, although you can also receive oxygen from what we call fresh mustard water cress. So make sure you eat some every week to aid your body and its oxygen levels.

What else is great for oxygen in the body? Inversion therapy, however, due to the numerous health conditions that many people have, it is essential that you get your doctors approval prior to having inversion therapy. Its brilliant for the muscles and limbs of the body, its also great for the lymphatic and nervous system. A few minutes each day, increasing it and increasing it as suits you to do so. I really enjoy my inversion and its so easy to do.

Since I began inversion a year ago, I have experienced a large improvement, and touch wood, no sciatica currently.  I know that my body is getting stronger, although extra attention to inversion on a daily basis is a must to stretch the back. While I was writing that I was given the name Kevin, and I did recommend that Kevin got himself an inversion table.  The added bonus is that it takes even more oxygen to the brain, and that is a major plus for the neurones.

The actions in the dream are always important. One man was doing for others and helping his mum, one man was active, healthy and happy, another man was sitting. Three different ages of man were represented in the dream, and yours truly was offering her help. Although it turned out that the man that most required female help was a man that had entered the third stage of his life in retirement on the planet. I sincerely, wish him long, happy and healthy life, the healer deserves it.

So I then phoned Kevin to give him the message, and I smiled. Men! At least I can say that I passed the message on and now it is up to him what he does with it. Men think that walking five miles a day will keep them healthy. All they will do is wear out their limbs instead of nurturing them. Boost your collagen with juiced nutrient drinks high in manganese! What do I have this week for my fruit nutrient drinks, I have some fresh pineapple, lemons, oranges, kiwi, avocado and goats milk, of course I also have my almond nuts, dates and berries to snack on.

What else is important about today? 7th April, is the 'Day of Belief' and the planetary energies are changing with the new astrological year of 2016. The first will be last, and the last will be first.

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