
Friday 15 April 2016

Greeting Card Dream

This morning, I had a dream of being in a shop with greeting cards. I was holding a lovely card and discussed it with another woman. I decided to buy the card for someone. It was an oblong shaped card, the colours were in pink and gold, it was illustrated with a couple of teddy bear characters on it, although it was the words that I liked and touched my heart.

In dream interpretation to dream of buying in a shop indicates 'petty financial problems which can be overcome'. Mark Littlewood on leaving the EU.

The greeting card was bought for someone else, it was going to be given as a thank you card due to what a woman had given me. Teddy bear characters are symbolic of comfort, the Care Bears, and an artist that drew Paddington Bear was in the news recently, Peggy Fortnum due to her passing.

To dream of dancing bears indicates good luck, to dream of giving a person a card with dancing bears can indicate that you are giving good luck to the receiver of the card.

It is written that it began with the Chinese historically, as they sent greetings of good will to each other at New Year. By the early 15th century, Europeans were exchanging hand-made cards.

In the UK the 'Greeting Card' industry as been a major success story worth £1.6billion in retail. The Greeting Card Association predict an optimistic future for Greeting Cards due to the upward trend.

Greeting Card companies that are looking for writers and artists in the UK.

Words and colours and the colours in a dream are also important in dream interpretation.

To dream of colour can indicate increasing security and success in all of your affairs if you dreamed of a mixture of bright colours.


Original artwork A4 size 

Pink indicates an unusually great success, it is also symbolic of love, and gold can indicate financial return and financial gain and in dream interpretation it is important to correlate the different aspects of the dream to comprehend the conclusion of the dream.

The dream was about thoughtfulness, and giving in the power of love. Its important to remember how important cards are to people, sometimes that is the only time that they hear from family and friends.

Just because cards may not be important to you to receive, doesn't take away the fact of how very important they are to others. Princess Diana was a great giver and sender of cards.

'Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. 
Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. 
I will make peace your governor, and well-being your ruler'. 
Isaiah 60:17 

My mother gave me bronze, gold and silver, she also gave me cast iron and she always liked her greeting cards, in fact she worked in a greeting card shop in London during her lifetime on the planet. I remember working with her and helping her with her work, she always had a drawer of greeting cards that she would collect for times when she would send them to family and friends. 

One could view it as a dream of greeting, and greetings are biblical and probably why they were called greeting cards. 'As you enter the home give it your greeting' Matthew 10:12 'The angel went to her and said, "Greetings", you are highly favoured, the Lord is with you'. Luke 1:28 

Study light view of Greetings, 'underline the urgency of the commission given'. 

"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you, and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul'. 

Beautiful words in compassionate action and merciful greeting - and I can think of a woman that I would give a greeting card with those words. Her life was extended in my healing hands and arms, may it be so again for the glory of the heavenly Father and his Son. 

'Enlightenment springs from the well of peace' from Sacred Words 

It certainly did. 

After you have experienced enlightenment, it is never forgotten and you cannot be taken from it, for it is an exceptional state of being in the truth of it. In the power of its love beyond measure, it catapults you into a completely different reality of cosmology that is beyond what you considered possible. Only through the thorough integration of divine love in manifestation does it come to be a reality that is beyond other realities. 

When intention is really pure, and integrity is lived, its truly amazing what comes to be in the power of spiritual love. Only those that have truly lived it, know this to be true, miracles are possible and life can be extended, if and when you make the correct choices in life. 

In the dream I made the choice to get the card with a special person in my thoughtfulness and heart. I did not look at the cost of it, the cost didn't matter, the person did matter. 

A gift of words to inspire and encourage, a dream of doing it again, she can make the right choice, she can give the right card, to the right person to help her hold onto the light of her hopefulness. A greeting that is blessed with pure intention. 

So what holidays do we have coming up in the UK in 2016? 

The 23rd April, is the first day of the Jewish Passover. Its also St Georges Day, and Shakespeare Day. 

30th April is the last day of the Jewish Passover. 

1st May is Labour Day.

2nd May is May Bank Holiday. 

4th May is a Jewish Holiday, Yom HaShoah 

5th May is Ascension Day. 

Then in the middle of May, we have another holiday, Whitsun.  A lot of holidays altogether. 

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