
Sunday 17 April 2016


Time for a big wave of action for a general strike in the UK on the 4th July, 2016. Bus drivers, train drivers, truck drivers take action now, come together, for the good of all of your families. Workers unite throughout the UK. See this 16th April, 2016, its building larger and larger, the power is with the people when they are united.

Its time for the taxes to go back into our local communities, its time for corporations to pay maximum tax instead of no tax. No more tax havens for the rich and wealthy while they get rich on the backs of the poor. No more, austerity cuts! Remember all austerity cuts the people of our nation. It makes people homeless, it puts people on the streets, people are committing 'suicide'. It has to stop now, stop the war against the poor and the disabled.

No more zero hour contracts, no more removing pensions from women in their 60's. No more cuts in local services, no more privatisation of the NHS, no more privatisation of state education. No more forcing people to go to work assessments, and workfare programmes when they are disabled. Some of those people have learning difficulties, some of the people are children. No more encouraging the disabled to walk in the minefields of business.

The vulnerable have to be protected from Cameron and his staff at DWP. The vulnerable have to be protected and defended from the Capita corporation. Cameron as given your medical and dental records to Capita and they're paying people 20K a month to remove people from claiming DLA.

Salaries in the UK haven't increased in real terms since the late 1980's, enough is enough!

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