
Friday 29 April 2016


And the heavenly Father said, ELOHE, the heavenly speaks to me in Hebrew this shabbat. No coincidence that this ELOHE music video as KOM in this youtube url address.

ELOHE ELOHE music from Ethiopia.

Its not the first time that he has said, ELOHE.

July 2014.

The name ELOHE is a short-form for a longer word and he spoke of it in January, 2010.

What are you drinking today? I have grape juice from Spain, and some mango and cranberry juice.

My fruit today, is raspberries and banana, and my fish is whitebait as per the dream that I received in 2015. Today I shall have my whitebait with a tomato and onion salad with balsamic vinegar. I also have some asparagus and artichoke hearts for this weekend if and when I fancy some.

I'm also going to make some homemade humous, with garlic, lemon and coriander, as my son bought me some chickpeas. Chickpeas, butterbeans and red kidney beans are excellent for you. I also have pitta bread, flat bread this weekend. See the 'anti-cancer' message delivered this April.

Why is whitebait so important? Vit E, B12, Vit A and D. Yesterday, I cooked my whitebait in a little palm oil. Today, I might cook them in some coconut oil with some paprika. I had my whitebait with some sweet tai chilli sauce and mayonnaise. Delicious. Lemon is also important for the brain to assimilate Vit C.


Another recipe for this weekend. Chicken, sweet potatoes and onions. I would definitely have this with some green vegetables and carrots. Some spring greens and peas with some green beans and or spinach.

It is holiday weekend in the UK and its also the wedding anniversary of when I married in London.

When we chose the date, with the church, we didn't think about the importance of getting married on the last Saturday of April. In numerics the 29th April, is the 'Day of Image'.

Tonight's Sefirah: Malchut sheb'Chessed -- "Receptiveness in Kindness"

I like Chabads view of the miracles as being when infinite light breaks into the world. We are blessed that there have been so many miracles in the hands of our healers.  To witness and be a deliverer of miracles is incredibly humbling in the presence of the Almighty. As it is written, 'Be Content', be content with what you have achieved. Enjoy your passover weekend, may it be an anniversary of love beyond measure, when families unite for the love of their children.

During my inversion today, I could see energy in my room and it looked like a nebula, some people refer to it as the eye of God. Inversion therapy feels so right at this time in my life, its so relaxing for the body and it works on all aspects of the body. It is one of the greatest gifts that was bestowed by a precious soul that is always in my heart. He knows who he is in my heart.

Yes, Isaiah was correct, Iron was bestowed in so many different ways. From food, and minerals, to cooking in cast iron pans with mum, to exercising on the inversion table now, then having my feet upon the iron base of my computer desk. The bronze dolphins that mum gifted are also with me, with the memories of all that she bestowed, bless her.

It is weekends like this holiday weekend that we would share together. I did my best to be with her at holiday time, for as long as I could, so that she wasn't alone at family times, when other people were with their families. I sometimes drove home after the holiday due to the traffic on the roads. That was the advantage and freedom that I had from 1989 onwards, the authority to decide when to work and when not to work. The freedom to choose, the freedom to give and share life together.

Being 'self-employed' brings with it enormous responsibility, and requires extensive self-initiative. It certainly isn't a way of life for everyone, because business can be a minefield, and time off from it is essential to keep a balance in one's life.

Isaiah 54 includes prophecies about the life of ELIAKIM and so it was so much came to be. The life of a woman in the heart of the LORD.

Did they see the name written and how her name was hidden in the Isaiah 54 prophecies?

Did they know when she was given the crystals and the stones in the 90's? Did they know when she was given the covenant of peace to deliver for the children? Some people do know, however, did they link it with a biblical prophecy of what would come to be in the last days of the end times? Surely, the spiritual Israelis must have done.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me, declares the LORD. All of your children will be taught by the LORD and great will be their peace. The chapter is called, the 'Future glory of Zion'.

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