
Friday 8 April 2016

7th April New Moon

It certainly arrived, and we have had everything from the Cameron U-turn on children's education due to NUT, the people's petition in Worthing in respect of the 'homeless beggars'.

Cameron's Panama funds moved to Ireland. Financial incentives for private companies to cut the NHS deficit by cutting services in Anglia. Anglia the corporations test area for experiments, and now the health of people are on the stakes of those stakeholders that are all getting a piece of the financial pie that Cameron served up.

Carers are replacing medical professionals, services are being cut and cut and cut with the excuse that they require the beds. Remember this - it was Cameron that removed the bedrooms from the children in social housing, it was Cameron that made more of the poor homeless, not only in the UK, but also in Syria and Libya.

It was Cameron and his followers that created more 'beggars on the street', and it was Cameron that is now cutting hospital beds for people in 'acute' wards and following surgery for 'chronic' conditions.

People that have acute conditions, should be able to stay in hospital for as long as possible. I've seen the outcome of people being released from hospital too quickly, and what that has co-created for the health of those people.

Of course, Cameron and his supporters at DWP don't care about that do they? The more people that pass over prior to being able to claim their pension is more money for the treasury. Time for the people in all localities to wake up to the reality checks because there have been too many funerals due to what DWP have done to the people and those working in the NHS and as far as the journalists reporting, listen to this!

The junior doctors are on strike and 'committing suicide.' All on the Cameron legacy of Panama and the bank bail-outs, and on top of the Cameron cake is the marzipan that asks for volunteers to work for free in the NHS. What audacity he has to do that, and talk about a living wage, at the same time as he and his cronies are living in a life of utter luxury.

My living wage would be £250,000 annually, how does that sound Mr Cameron? You couldn't afford me and our committed people that are working hard internationally in their service to God. Our treasure is heavenly.

Cameron must think that all the human rights activists were born yesterday, because new born babies and their mums don't get to stay in the maternity ward for a week now due to the population explosion co-created by the immigration. Politicians, the 'bane of your life', that impacts on every level of society, in every country and nation and most of all on England's greatest asset, its health service that is being privatised under the noses and the eyes of the people. Wake up people, before its too late, otherwise you will be going to another NHS funeral.

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