
Thursday 10 March 2016


When the couple that read by braille came to this mother for divine guidance, I guided them when requested to do so. As the prophecy foretold, 'I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These things I will do; I will not forsake them'. 

The unfamiliar paths included Reiki and Past Life Energetics. The man that read by braille was amazed, such a powerful journey. He shared with us that he could see, what spiritual people with sight are able to see through his third eye.

Peter Warnock 

Healing Connections 

He was able to experience what spiritual people experience, we breathed on him. He was able to learn the symbols like reading braille, his Reiki Master Teacher, Peter Warnock was wonderful with him and he became a certificated healer. Peter was fantastic to work with, he was always willing to go that extra mile when I asked him to do so, together we raised the standards.


Such amazing work our team have been involved in. The man that became one of the thousand healers, and was able to share his healing gift with his family and other people that read by braille.

The last time that he came to yours truly for divine guidance I shared with him, that you should go all the way with it, as he would make a wonderful RM for people that read by braille. That was when he came for more divine guidance, and I recommended that he had past life healing next. The feedback after his past life experience was very positive, he made an incredible breakthrough. That was a decade ago.

As prophecy foretold, all HER paths are peace. 

Peter moved from living in the north of my location,
to living in the south of my location.

Always in my heart.

Happy Total Solar Eclipse Peter

Two RM's healing together tomorrow.

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