
Thursday 31 March 2016


We often see the Temple Institute talking about building a 3rd religious temple in Israel. However, when do they ever cross reference with the book of Hosea? Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh; so I will put a yoke on her fair neck, I will drive Ephraim, Judah must plow, and Jacob must break up the ground. Clearly the prophecy is speaking about three different people. Hosea 10:11

Then if the Israeli's cross-reference that with the prophecy of Micah 4, where it mentions the threshing, it also mentions the woman that went to America and returned. Then cross-reference that with the blessing upon the family of Joseph asked for by Moses and you have a picture. Arise!

So why a woman, threshing and Ephraim described as a Heifer in that prophecy?

Do you know that when she was a child she wandered in nature with the cows and the sheep in the meadow - and that is where she was happiest, walking in nature on farmland. As soon as she was old enough to work at the local stables she then began working with the horses in Kent, England. 

Eight years of age she was working at the stables all weekend, in exchange for a one hour ride.

Her jodhpurs and riding boots were secondhand, although a new brown riding hat was bought as a present with a crop. Every weekend was spent in Kent and then back to London as the weekend came to a close. 

Did you do it all for love?

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