
Friday 18 March 2016

Tarot Dream

I had a strange dream a local businessman was going to see a tarot reader with the name of Lorraine who lived on an Island. I asked him why he was going to see her instead of turning to yours truly for help. In dream interpretation to ask questions in a dream indicates good luck.

Interesting that in real life he is not the kind of man that would go to see a tarot reader for clairvoyant help. The dream tells me that he has a reason to seek answers to whatever ails him - and he has his reasons for not wishing for me to know why he is seeking. I wish him all of the best.

Its many years since I read tarot professionally for an international clientele. It had its reason for being in my life at that time, and we helped so many people to get on the right path that was appropriate. When I was engaged with tarot work it was concentrated in health and spirituality, helping people to get on the path that was healthy for them mind, body and soul.

The name Lorraine comes from a location in France, a north eastern province,  and it means 'Kingdom of Lothar'. It sounds like he is on the move.

The historic city in Lorraine, in dream interpretation names can be very important especially if they indicate a location. To dream of names depends on the action, although it can indicate the break-up of something and this dream comes at a time when people are thinking about the impact of the EU and its costs on a daily basis. People as in the people that live in this ancient city in France, have ancient cultures to defend.

Interesting that the 18th March is the 'Day of Return' in numerics.

So when we look at the news is there anything to do with the tarot? Yes, we have the hermit.


A 28 year-old Tescos worker that became homeless built a mud hut hobbit house in the woods to survive, and the Woodland Trust are telling him that he must leave. What the Woodland Trust should do is offer him a job, and allow him to take care of the wood where he is living harmlessly on the outskirts of north London.

Many Jewish prophets became hermits and lived a reclusive lifestyle at different times in their lives, so why shouldn't the man that worked at Tescos? Many Christian monks also became reclusive and lived in nature growing their own food as did those that were called Essenes from Isaiah's prophet school.

Its perfectly natural for people to return to the natural way of living, growing their own vegetables and getting their fresh water from the woodland. The young man is just doing what comes naturally to him to do - and it was foretold that some people would return to the natural way of life and some people would live in technologically advanced cities. It is a lifestyle choice and depends on what suits you, your nature and your health.

The Hermit card with the lamp with the Star of David in it - lighting the way. The monk dressed in brown like St Francis of Assisi living with the birds. The card aligns with the words of Jesus when he forewarned to go to the mountains. I also had a dream recently of being in a big gorge like a grand canyon, walking on huge boulders.

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