
Thursday 17 March 2016


On the day of 'Social Involvement' Jonathan Pie as provided a video on Sport relief at a time when politicians think that sport and taxing sugar is the answer to the NHS woes. I can assure you that the politicians have just come up with more tax revenue upon the poor while providing tax cuts to the wealthiest people in the nation.

 'Obesity' is a symptom of the social engineering that successive governments have implemented for generations, if we track 'obesity' it leads us right back to the deeds of the politicians.

It also includes the fact that the British diet isn't suitable for Asian migrants. Each country has its own foods and vibration for a good purpose due to it being healthy for the people of those countries. Give Asians American McDonalds and you have a repeat of what has happened in America, comfort eating. Its true that there are different ways that the metabolism can work, one is burning sugar for energy, the other is burning fat for energy.

As such, we are talking about high protein - low carb menus to keep people lean and healthy.

I appreciate that growing children require exercise instead of sitting in front of computers everyday.

However, its not just about exercise, that impacts on the body and its mechanisms.

A person can stay healthy without sports, if they are eating the correct nutrients and some children don't like sport!

Although children do like some sports more than others. So for instance, I liked hockey, but I didn't like netball due to my height, and the fact that we weren't allowed to wear gloves in the winter time while playing netball. I liked horse-riding, ice-skating and gymnastics, although horse-riding, ice-skating and roller skating wasn't provided by the school.

I liked archery, badminton, volley ball, and swimming at school, I didn't like tennis. I liked athletics but only some of it. I didn't like cross country running, I liked long jump and high jump, although I was really too small for both.

I liked music and singing, and that talent could've been developed further by the school, I also liked cooking and nutrition in school. In the 1950s we had large cooking classrooms specifically for cooking, we even had a flat for housekeeping.

We cooked all sorts of lovely dishes, and enjoyed so much together, including pastry making.

Those were the days when children had an education in cooking, both the boys and the girls.

Interesting to note that when cooking and house craft was removed from schools, obesity arose.

Nutrients and minerals that the politicians have been removing from the soil of the farmland with their agricultural policies is also an aspect of it, due to the quality of the food that people are being provided with.

Also there is a lot of natural sugar in some fruits, so will they tax fruit in the UK next too? I knew of one woman that shared that she wore out her pancreas due to eating too much fruit.

Fruit is for nutrition, and specific fruit have to be eaten at a specific time when the body requires the fruit boosters and the energy of the body is constantly changing in line with what you eat and drink.

It is also important to note that one in ten people that are homeless and are on the streets are veterans.

The British army really looked after those fit and healthy men didn't they? If the British Army can't even look after its people, what makes you think that politicians have the answers to that which ails humanity? My view is that a lot of those veterans have Sjogren's due to the trauma they experienced while they were in the army.

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