
Tuesday 15 March 2016


In this Daily Telegraph article on how inflation is calculated it shares with us that more than half of the night clubs in the UK have closed down. It mentions the words that bouncers often said, 'If you're not on the list, you're not coming in'. Does it remind you of the book of life?

So what does that tell us about entertainment and the youth of today? It tells us that the priorities of the youth have changed and they've heard the message about not going to large entertainment venues in this timeline of the sober decade.

It was in the 90's that some massive research was done and the research company found that Europeans were no longer interested in material things, and happiness and health was more important to the people that were interviewed. So what did the UK do in response to the research that was presented to governments and corporations?

They changed their marketing tactics, products and advertising to give the people the impression that they were giving the people what they were asking for.

However, the corporations didn't change themselves appropriately, nor did successive governments. That is why the UK is 14th in stats in European health, so did they really give the people what they were asking for? NO!

People didn't just go to nightclubs to socialise, dance e.g. exercise, and gave a good time. Many people went to nightclubs to look for a partner. With on-line dating and on-line forums, that has changed the nature of people meeting each other, the social networks were born. Networking was no longer the domain of business and spiritual people, social networking sprung up with the internet.

It has completely changed the socialising aspect of life that used to be engaged in. Now people have many more options for meeting people, and as such, the night clubs are not the necessity that they once were. Yet we find that council planning departments and their urbanisation plans really have to be looked at due to them co-creating cities of nightlife for students and immigrants. At the same as putting our ancient cultures into complete jeopardy.

Now you don't find night owls in night clubs, you are more often to find them on-line or in a pub with late opening hours. Some MP's are asking for more taxes on alcohol due to many of the youth drinking in excess. However, there shouldn't be any tax on food or drink and major funding as to go into the health projects that people enjoy. People have to come to appreciate that there is such a thing as entertainment in health and healthy things that people can be entertained by. Our baby elephants are dancing in nature and our elephants have right of way.

Is music healthy for the bodies energy? Yes, for instance jazz music is healthy for the nervous system.  Gong healing also works with the nervous system. I'd like to see more science involved in music, and more music in science, so that the youth can really appreciate its health and healing benefits. I'd like to see music festivals and events that include the power of healing and to see it brought into schools.

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