
Thursday 3 March 2016


Following on from the three most recent dreams on the same night, that I have called it the 'Fisher' dream due to a specific name being mentioned in it. It reminds me of the painting of the fish that I received in 2012, and 2012 was the end of the world as we have known it. In the dream I was walking upon boulders in a canyon between two mountains with a complimentary medicine therapist.

'Shout for joy you heavens, rejoice you earth, burst into song you mountains. For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion upon his afflicted ones'. Isaiah 49:13. 

This specialist in this video is talking about Sjogren's, the doctor says that it takes these doctors 6-7 years to diagnose a patient with the condition from when a person experiences its first symptom. That is a such a long time. They're still researching it, and he mentions the medical profession being able to provide drugs for it in the future. You can be sure that once they've provided drugs for it, it will be everywhere in mainstream news.

Some medics know it is 'degenerative' - and they know that it can be 'fatal'. Yet they allow the symptoms to increase and increase, until you are so very weak with the fatigue of it, that they have to get you some help for it. Let me ask you this, how many doctors look inside your mouth and give you a proper examination? How many doctors know about oral health, the tongue, and teeth and how that relates to Sjogren's?

My view is that the degeneration can be slowed down, and I've been working on natural remedies, and healing foods for it. With God's will we can stop in its tracks. This week I am working on emergency remedies for depletion of energies, due to the condition using up so much of your energy.

You know when its speeding up because it takes all of your energy, to the point that you can feel lifeless and unable to do anything. Not even cook for yourself, one way to describe it is a complete system collapse. Or another way to describe it is like when a baby takes all of the nutrients of a pregnant mother, and she has not choice but to lay down.

Its also the case that teeth can crumble during pregnancy, and that would certainly indicate that you have a genetic weakness in the teeth that could've been co-created by 'metal toxicity. So its important you review the health conditions of your parents and grand parents, if you were aware of them, and how they could relate to you.

The impact of it can relate to how healthy your body was prior to the condition being triggered by trauma. The healthier your body was, can determine where the body will experience it, in the weakest areas rather than the strongest areas. So for instance, I've been told that all of my organs are fine, my eyes seem to be stable now, although I have given my eyes a lot of specific nutrients. I had too, I had no choice.

While you are trying to get your diagnose and the symptoms do differ from person to person, get specialist help where you can. So for instance go and see an optician for your eyesight, if you see people doing hearing tests, stop have a hearing test. Have your feet examined by a foot specialist, have your mouth looked at by a dental professional.

You may also find yourself having to go to A&E when new symptoms suddenly explode in your body. You might find yourself going due to your breath, your chest, your head, your legs, sometimes you can go to see GP's at outpatients at the hospital; if you are really concerned at what is happening to your body.

Although I have to say, I haven't found GP's at outpatients very helpful with your concerns, but you have to give the NHS the opportunity to help. Prior to deciding on your next actions, if necessary call NHS III, and get it logged on your medical records; that you have called in for extra help in getting the attention that is essential. Remember this that its a known fact, that those that shout the loudest get the most help in the NHS.

Now the first thing we have to look at is your diet and nutrients that you are receiving, because every symptom is showing us that somewhere in your body you require extra nutrients and that is why the body is responding like it is. What nutrients are you giving your glands and nervous system?

Keep a food journal - on how your body responds to particular foods and nutrients every day. So for instance did you eat some dates, how did the body respond immediately?

The condition and symptoms can be genetically transferred. My mother went through WW2 and she had RA, and eye operations during and after her menopause and the highest incidence of this condition is in women.

'Sjogren's syndrome was first described in 1933 by Swedish eye specialist Henrik Sjogren. He spoke of it in terms of it causing the antibodies to attack the body's moisture-producing glands, leading to dryness on the body to a lack of secretion.' 

Sofia Sjogren 

My mother's grandmother also went 'blind', and she had lived through at least two wars, WWI and WWII. My grandfather, grand dad Joseph went through the same, WW1, and WWII and he ended his life in a wheelchair. For sure he had RA and he put a message in his youngest Son's name, by giving him RA in his three initials. Gran dad Joseph also had a lot of physical trauma in his life time - and I think he also suffered with post trauma due to his actions. In the parable of life that is writing in scripture, he was 'beaten'.

People with Sjogren's often have it at varying degrees - and many mention the 'breathlessness' that is often associated with heart and lung conditions. As far as the breath is concerned, 'breathlessness' shows me that a person is low on hemoglobin - oxygen in the blood.

It is a proven scientific fact that Reiki healing increases the oxygen in the blood by over 30%, and I have had a lot of success with breathing conditions e.g. 'asthma' when I was teaching Reiki courses.

In fact, with one of the women that had a serious lung condition, her lungs returned to normal for a woman her age after she had received a Reiki miracle with healing skills and experience that included flower essence remedies and a recorded divine meditation of the heart.

Praise be to God, the written testimony was provided at the time and published on-line.

The condition that she had was 'Emphysema', a long-term, progressive 'disease' of the lungs, that primarily causes shortness of breath. She went from not being able to walk unaided the day that I visited her, to being able to walk normally. She was giving up, when she allowed me to help her to make a breakthrough with her healing.


What was unusual in this case - was that the patient shared with me that she had seen the lung graphs to prove that a miracle had occurred. In fact, she said, that the doctor couldn't believe what he was seeing on the lung graphs, so he took a second reading. And he still couldn't believe it as he tapped his pen on the desk, Tanya said.


With health conditions, we don't give up, we don't give in. You have to make sure that your healing power is greater than that which is impacting upon your self-dymanic healing system.

Although Reiki can give your healing system a kick-starter because it can become very 'lethargic' if and when it is weighed down with medication, if you take it.

The energy is already depleted with what the endocrine system is having to cope with, and the pharmaceuticals just increase that depletion. I won't take any pharmaceuticals, unless and when the pain is so far beyond what I can bear. I will only take a 'pain killer' in absolute emergencies to give the muscles a rest.

Inversion is also excellent for getting oxygen to the brain and to areas of the body that require it. As people age, it is a known scientific fact, that people have less oxygen going to the brain, so its vital that the oxygen in the blood is increased. That can happen with Reiki and with Inversion.

All my organs have been checked and they are in good condition for my age. So at this point I am concentrating on the nervous system and endocrine system, and what it requires on a daily basis to boost it with fast acting nutrients.

I have found that healing foods have helped tremendously with the self-nurturing. Although I am really concentrating on overcoming 'chronic fatigue' that has increased. I have returned again to the fact that my body is a barometer - it has become a measure for nutrients and this condition requires far more specific nutrients, than a normal person would have normally.

The nutrients that can change daily depending on the bodies requirements. Some doctors admit that people that already have a chronic condition can also go on to get Sjogren's. In Taiwan, a study was done and the researchers found the people with a chronic skin condition also went on to get SJ. Although as we know it is triggered by trauma when the body as had enough.

The link with the breath and skin also points us to mutated genetics due to childhood cuts. As we know scientifically, that cuts in childhood is a co-creator of 'allergies' and 'skin disease'. Of course, cuts can come in many forms and that includes vaccinations and injections.

The body also holds onto memories of physical pain. So for instance, a bruise came up on my right arm this year, where a blood test had been taken in 2015. My body doesn't like blood tests, it doesn't like injections or anything that pierces it. The body as simply got to the point whereby it is saying, no more trauma.

Being a healer that has done some profound healing work during my life, as well as overcome the laser treatment and operation due to cancerous cells in my 20's. I view different health conditions as a learning curve, while I learn how to master it. Although there been have days, when I've felt so weak, that I just wished for someone to pick me up and take care of me.

You have to be with a person or persons that care deeply for you, due to the sheer impact of it on you, and how you are able to survive it on a day-to-say basis. A person cannot be on their own all the time with SJ, they have to have someone that cares fully for them.

So what do people without any living relatives do? One of the first questions a doctor will ask you, do you have any family support, or family living close by.

Ask DWP and see what they say about it, when you even mention the word to people in the UK, they simply look at you blankly. And you have to keep on repeating the word repetitively, before you can get anyone to listen at all. Then it is often the case, that you have to tell people what it is.

You can't make any plans to do anything or go anywhere, because you don't know whether you will have the energy to do it. So for instance, you could book a flight, and not arrive for that flight, or arrange to go for a birthday dinner or reunion, and not turn up. Or not being able to get to the hospital when you are meant to do so.

So for instance, you might not be able to go anywhere for three months at a time, because you simply cannot muster the energy or you feel to ill to go to an appointment. Your energy changes daily, and hourly sometimes, so you can only do what your energy allows you to do on any given day. You can't guarantee anything, because your body demands that you put your body first.

I am putting most of my energy into me, as I don't have any choice. In so doing, I hope to be able to help others with recommendations for remedies that slow down the whole process of SJ. To the point whereby people will be able to become masters of it, and reverse what's happening in the body due to physical trauma.

May God help us all, and make it so - for he does have mercy and compassion for those that are afflicted.

If its the last thing that I do while I am on this planet, I would like to help people with this condition and make sure that there is major recognition of the seriousness of it in the UK.

SJ people require a lot of support, they require financial help; to ensure that they can afford all of the appropriate nutrients that they require on a daily basis. People also require a range of different complimentary medicine therapies, vibrational medicine and a lot of tender loving care.

Due to the differences in the case histories of the patients, it isn't an off-the-shelf solution, each case is unique, and requires individual attention, and a tailored made approach, at each phase of its development of the different symptoms that can and do manifest.

The whole journey unfolds before your eyes, why I was involved in Reiki healing, and promoting it with Peter Warnock,  why I was involved in 'inner child' healing work and promoting it with Peter Clifford. Why vibrational medicine and therapies was brought into my life with author Viv Williamson, and all of the other therapists that I had the pleasure to work with and promote.

Why I connected with the spiritual elder Mikhail Baker, on the power of sound and light. As far as I am concerned, he is the foremost sound healer in Europe, what he can do with sound, and his voice in the healing process is incredible to watch.

Why the mission with 'depressed and suicidal children' was so important, and the healing work at Sure Start with the parents. Even the development of the training modules for the health and education workers at Sure Start that was commissioned to be designed and implemented.

Why the healing meditations and paintings were gifted. Why we had the miracles with the breathing, skin and intestinal conditions. Why we had success with children and the disabled to help them to engage with the healing process.

Why the scientific article about the 'cuts in childhood' arrived in my life in May 2006. Truly, divine providence that happened on the flight to Israel.

Why I was compelled to embrace Alexander Technique and the Chiropractors. Chiropractors know that all back issues have a root cause in physical trauma. Why reflexology, shiatsu and health kinesiology were also very important therapies that were brought into my life. Of course let' s not forget Inversion therapy, that we managed to get onto national television in a full documentary on it.

Why the LORD and his Son began to instruct me with food and remedies for the different phases of the development that I was experiencing after January 2011.

Everything was to prepare yours truly for the journey.

'Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD preserve both people and animals'. Psalm 36.6.

Wonderful then that we were enabled to give healing to both people and animals, we were enabled to deliver miracles. 'May the mountains bring prosperity to your people, the hills of the fruit of righteousness'. Psalm 72:3.

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