
Monday 7 March 2016

Sjogren's Chickpeas Dips

One of the ideal snacks, in terms of dips for people with Sjogren's is humous. As we know it is served in Greek restaurants and also in the Middle East. An Israeli introduced yours truly to chick peas, Ben cooked a main dish with chicken, rice, spinach and chick peas.

Humous is easy and quick to make in minutes, and I like it very much, an Egyptian friend brought a huge tub of it to one of our parties, I asked him how he made it. One of the healthiest foods that you can eat.

Today's humous is with some ground coriander, juice from a half a lemon, two teaspoons of tahini. 3-4 large cloves of garlic. Pour in your olive oil for consistency, all in your blender or juicer together. Then put an olive on top of it and straight into a small container and into the fridge.

There you have another snack that is healthy for you. You can add different flavours, with different fruits or vegetables, that includes sweet peppers,  chilli peppers, dried sun roasted tomatoes etc.

Served with olives and pitta bread.

Mothering Sunday message received, 'Alison', 'Olive Branch'. 

So stock up on chick peas, you can also put chickpeas in your green lentil burgers, and in your soups.

Be creative, be inventive with your cooking.

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