
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Sjogren's Breakfast

Jamie Oliver and his porridge. Porridge is ideal for Sjogren's people due to it having the manganese.

I had some porridge today with a couple of large spoonfuls of the almond mix that I had in the fridge, specifically for more manganese. You can use it instead of milk, in a drink.

If you don't feel like eating, then you can just drink some of your almond manganese, or any of the other recommended drinks that you can view on this blog. I will keep on adding recipes to the particular blog posts. So do come back and check on updates.

My favourite breakfast is scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and it was Lady Diana's favourite breakfast. Its important to eat meals that don't put to much pressure on the teeth, a very soft brush should be used on your teeth. Very gently care for your physical bodies, remember that your teeth connect with your organs and its important that all of the systems of the body receive what they require.

Oily fish is excellent and so are the eggs. The eggs providing protein and energising your vital body. Having an egg booster is powerful for the vital body, so if you are experiencing 'chronic fatigue', have eggs every day for a week. You can have them scrambled, in omelettes with herbs and cheese, pancakes, boiled, poached, curried, egg puddings, egg deserts, there are lot of choices.

And drink lots of drinks that are high in manganese.

If I have some roasted oats, I have a little, with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sultanas, sometimes with banana, sometimes with apricots and berries. With goats milk or yoghurt. It just depends what I have in the cupboard and what I fancy each day. I try to eat little and often as it is essential to keep on giving the body its nutrients at regular intervals.

If you are thirsty then your body requires nutrients. If you give your body the nutrients it requires, then you will find that your thirst decreases. When it does so, its easy to forget to keep on having your nutrients, you don't have to wait for the next bout of thirst if you keep on to it.

The other food that is excellent for the salivary glands is artichoke hearts and you could also try it with olives with your chives on scrambled eggs. What is important is that you like the food that you eat, and try to eat food that is associated with happy memories because your body remembers what food you were eating when you were happy.

Changing lifestyle and food to suit your health conditions can often mean including new foods into your menu. However, its still important that you like the food and recipes that you give to your body and cooking is very therapeutic, so be creative and inventive with the ingredients. Monitor what you eat and how your body responds to each meal and drink. How quickly you require a drink, how energised you are after each meal. Keep a note of what is working for you, nurture your body with tenderness and it will nurture you in return. 

We know that Sjogren's is triggered by trauma, when the body has had enough, and it lets you know, loud and clear that you must pay attention to your bodies requirements.

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