
Monday 14 March 2016

ELINOR Message

Following on from the 'Think Like An Apache' post.

The heavenly Father spoke and he said, ELINOR. There is an astroid with that female name and also locations in America. For some reason the name 'Elinor' reminds me of the libraries and after he spoke of Elinor, I looked at the news and the library was in the local news.

In the UK we have the historic Eleanor Crosses and you often see them in historic town centres, this Eleanor Cross is in Waltham Cross. The Beatles also sung about Eleanor, I remember now, the name of the mother of the bridesmaid that I worked with in London was Ellie. Then when I moved to the countryside an Ella came into my life. From my 20's he kept on showing yours truly the name.

There is a song called ELINOR. 


The last time that I have recorded that he mentioned the word ELINOR was in 2011, and the archived post mentions one of the Jane Austin's books. She included a woman with the name of ELINOR and the name of Marianne in the book 'Sense and Sensibility'. The post also mentions Michael's case and his estate. Michael that is mentioned in the book of Daniel, Michael that passed over in the summer of 2010.

Michael and his library that he spoke to me about, the library that he had treasured, gathered and inherited, and he asked wisdom what to do with his 4,000 books. Some of which were very rare indeed.

What is a library worth to people - if books have no worth to them, what is history worth if people are not interested in the ancient cultures and those that dedicated their scholarship to anthropology?

The Son of Joseph used to say, 'A house without books is like - a house without windows'. Did you provide a range of different books on different topics for your children to choose from? Or did you only read a particular genre? Michael's books included a cross range of books on different subject matter.

He was quite an amazing academic, with incredible memory capacity, whatever I was posting on, he could cite something to support it. Be it from a book or a written published paper. Michael said that he didn't like children, and that made me laugh, because he was always helping the children. He was teaching the children how to fence in a written way, the way that a veteran and scholar would.

Always providing back up and support when he thought it was appropriate, Michael made himself useful to the communities in which he did his utmost to help in the best way that he knew how. He suddenly arrived in my life while I was explaining Plato in 2007, and then on in, the friendship grew on-line prior to us meeting. I retain the happy memories of our exchanges, in total respect of each other - and where we were coming from.

Mariannes right foot in the film, 'Sense and Sensibility'. As David used to say, put the right foot forward and the right foot is about the spiritual direction. Last week I had a sore toe on that foot, and it is about the sinus, its OK now, I solved it but did Marianne?

Jane Austin, such wonderful stories and how she liked to include matchmakers.

They don't teach the stories of the heroines in British schools and libraries do they?

Did they share the story of Annie Besant and how she helped the match girls? Do schools and libraries share the important history of how and why unions came to be? What the motivation was, and how their hearts compelled them to defend the poorest and most vulnerable in England.

After dad passed over, my son was a child, he had a fascination for lighting matches. It was a constant reminder of the flame of Joseph and the story of the match girls. It was also a reminder of the Son of Joseph, and how dad had taught his daughter to defend, with the story of the match girls at school. Zion defends!

An orator that knew how to use his voice, how to emphasis it in debate and discussions and he passed it forward to the next generation. In the same way that Michael did with his written work, we had the union in common, a union of love and a union of strikes to get the message across to the next generation of defenders of dignity, human rights and freedom.

Social justice was our joint interest and when Michael saw this flame he just kept on following it, it renewed his hope, and life, he said, 'You are vitamins for my soul'.

There is also a charity in the UK called the 'Eleanor Rose Foundation', to give support to those that require it. As a survivor of it, I've never felt the requirement to visit any of the local 'cancer' charities, although I did help to fundraise for 'Cancer Research' in the 90's; when a friend asked me to help her with it.

I wouldn't support the 'Cancer Research' charity now, for where is the social justice in it after the decades and billions of funds that it has received? 

At least when I was fund-raising for local charities, I was able to see for myself where the funding was going locally to support those that required the help. 

Instead of the people paying for the administration of so many different charities, the government should be paying for the essentials that people require for their health. Now if there was a charity that provided complimentary health treatments and healing for the poor that can't access it, that would definitely have my support.

That is a cause and a social vision, to give the people access to the healing treatments that they require. People shouldn't have to jump through hoops for the NHS, because the NHS has never provided sufficient prevention at the earliest stages. The medics didn't provide the appropriate treatments or nutrients. It shouldn't take six to seven years to get a diagnosis for a health condition. 

Recovery requires more than orthodox medical professionals, it requires the energetic team of professionals to work hand-in-hand with the community. To assist the community to make breakthroughs in health. Miracles really do exist and wisdom has been proven correct, exactly as Jesus foretold. 

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