
Friday 11 March 2016


A rare ancient seal as been found in Israel bearing a woman's name. 2,600 years old, and Israel shares with us that the 'relic depicts a powerful status, that was extremely rare at the time for a woman, according to the researchers'. 

The Elihana bat Gael seal is inscribed in ancient Hebrew. It is a semi-precious stone and looks like it could be obsidian. The Israeli Antiquities Authority said that "the woman had a legal status, which allowed her to conduct business and own property. Legally, and financially independent, it is being called a 'rare phenomenon'. "

'Most of the original seals are known to carry the name of the Father, instead of the husband.'

Naturally, indicating the family line and that fits in with biblical prophecies. 

The name Elihana is a beautiful name, it reminds me of the names Ella, and Helen. It looks like the name is a combination of ELI and HANNAH and ELI is the name of a judge, it is also the short form of Elijah and Eliakim. 

These seals were worn as signet rings used on documents. 


Its no coincidence that in the 90's I was compelled to buy an Obsidian sphere, it is a semi-precious stone that was used by mediums. It was noted to be a very powerful stone, and few could work with it,  as it was for the gentle and tender hearted. I still have it with the white stone sphere that I was instructed to receive in Assisi. Although the Obsidian was brought home from the location where I live.

During my lifetime, I have been legally and financially independent, a single-parent mum that did her best in very difficult circumstances. I did not rely on man, I made my way in the world in the best way that I knew how. When man moved away, I moved forwards.

In the 90's and beyond I also used a stamp that was put on every package that was sent out from my home. I also put that stamp in the front of books, prior to lending them to people. So that they would know to which library they were to be returned; when they had finished reading what had been given for those students and clients to learn from to help them with their journey.

Furthermore, when the heavenly Father first summoned yours truly, prior to being sent to Israel.

He shouted out, ELI ELI, I had no choice, I followed his instructions to the best of my abilities.

His most recent message was about the 'Libraries' and in the past he asked yours truly to preserve the ancient texts wisely, and he said, 'You are the curator of the ancient texts'. As in a curator of the contents of a museum or library.

So is it possible that ELIHANA had a responsibility for a prophets library in Israel that held ancient texts? It is certainly more than possible, for to have a seal such as that means she had a lot of responsibility in the community where she lived. King David is known for his writing of psalms for the director of music. This paint was spread for David, my right hand with the heart in it, my healing hand that heals. David loved as a mother loves her son.

In the seal there is what looks like a balance, three different aspects to her work, weights and measures, the quality of the standards.

It is written that the name ELIANA means, 'My God has answered me'.

A beautiful message for our manganese Sabbath while we are still in the solar eclipse energies of Mother and Son.

The seal is 2,600 years old and 26 is the gematria of the name of God. Its no coincidence that I was compelled to wear beige and white yesterday, nor is it a coincidence that ELIHANA in the music video is walking on boulders.

Do you remember my recent dream of walking on boulders in a large gorge?

What did I see yesterday while I was wearing beige and white receiving healing?



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