
Wednesday 30 March 2016

Dunwich Suffolk's Atlantis

The media refer to Dunwich in Suffolk as 'Britain's Atlantis' and it was once an international port, media report that it was the same size as London. However, are those facts? The video of the historian from Dunwich give us the facts about Dunwich.

The media say that the coastline went into the ocean on the 1st January 1286, the storm surge on New Year's Day was the end of the prosperous town say the media. However, the profile gives a deeper insight to what happened to Dunwich.

"Dunwich was the capital of Kingdom of the East Angles. It was the tenth largest place in England".

All of that coastline was impacted upon prior to and after 1286. The historian shares that the erosion is still happening on the Dunwich coastline.

A window from the former Leper hospital 

The profile for Dunwich mentions the folklore of a woman with the name of Eva from the 12th century.

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