
Thursday 31 March 2016

Bodhisattva Luang Poh Yaai

A Buddhist Proverb 

On 'no mental entanglement'

A bodhisattva is in the news today. Luang Poh Yaai. A child that remembered her past lives and communicated with spirits. She married and had two children and was then abandoned by her husband. The story goes that she lived in a slum in Bangkok and became an alcoholic.

Age 40 her life turned around and she remembered her past lives again, she stopped drinking and became a white-robed Buddhist nun. In 1957 she founded a monastery with her two nephews and she was wearing the robes of a monk. Once she understood the truth her clothes changed right away, she passed over in 1970. 

That is usually the case that your clothes and the way that you dress changes when you know the truth and the change in you can be seen by everyone around you. Some then change their clothes if they like what you are wearing, some just thought it was a fashion. Those that knew the truth, knew that it was more than a change of clothes, change had come to be inside and out. 

Luang Poh Yaai - The Woman in Orange 

It is reported that the Bodhisattva went on to help 'addicts', those that were 'addicted' to 'drink and or drugs.' Although it is important to note that some people are also 'addicted' to materialism. It can come in many forms. Although people drink for different reasons, for some it is to 'numb' the pain. When that happens you know that they require intensive healing on a soul level. 

Pain can come to be in many forms, mentally, emotionally, on the level of the soul and of course physically. There is no pharmaceutical drug that can take that pain away, and that is why some people began drinking. Of course, some people can drink socially, in moderation and everything is fine. 

It is clear that the female nun was suffering, and she was blessed with a breakthrough. She was blessed to have two nephews to walk with her and in her mission of compassion and mercy. 

It is right and correct that she should be honoured. As it is written she did her best to help others as and when required. It is often the case that your life changes at the age of 40, and the English woman, the author Alice Bailey; wrote how the divine purpose comes into your life prior to the age of 49. If people haven't got on track with their reason for being by that age, they rarely do.

At least Luang Poh Yaai made it through the 'abandonment', managed to untangle herself and to liberate her love, and in helping others she was also helped. When partners split after being entwined, if you still love that person deeply on a soul level, a person goes through a bereavement of life shared. Some turn to drink, some turn to drugs, some turn to 'suicide' of which drink and drugs can also be a factor in it. Some cry out for help and receive the appropriate help at the appropriate time that helps them to overcome and to become victorious. The support can come in different ways and from different people, including the spiritual realms for those that can hear and see clearly.

Two that became one, and became one again. The fact that she was aware of her past lives as a child tells us that she was intuitive and was probably also an empath and very spiritual due to her connection with the spiritual realms and different states of existence. A sensitive soul. Different spiritual realities that she was able to access, I'm sure helped her through.

The Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. So love to you Luang Poh Yaai. The power of mercy and compassionate action, the divine love in manifestation on the earth plane, the discipline to put it into practice and walk the talk. Praise be to God that sends his bodhisattva's to help humanity, praise be to God that sends his healers to do his divine will. Praise be to God for the givers in life.

The 31st March is the 'Day of Tenacity'. 

What are you eating today, I'm eating mango. 

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