
Friday 18 March 2016


The latest autism research report from Sweden provided by Karolinska. It mentions that most autistic people that exist are adults and in the UK it is 1% of the population. The Swedish study looked at the health records of 27,000 autistic adults and used 2.7 million as a control sample for the general population. In this group of people, a leading cause of 'death was epilepsy', followed by 'suicide' as they were more likely to become 'depressed'.

The article states that scientists still cannot exactly explain the link between 'autism and epilepsy'.


Wheat germ oil in vaccinations? The reason that I suggest that link is the fact that Great Ormand Street Hospital found that during a two year study with epileptic children, the epilepsy stopped in children that were put on a high-protein low carb diet.

Also while doing some soul retrieval work with a client we found a past life connection with a serious wheat allergy due to what happened in a wheat field.

It is written that Israel make their own vaccines for their own people; and they replaced peanut with sesame, and they found that some Israeli's have a sesame allergy. Peanut allergy is almost unknown in Israel so it clearly points to the vaccinations that are the link to the trigger point.

Also cuts in childhood mutate genetics and can be a cause of allergies and skin conditions. The scientific information on that was published in New Scientist in May 2006.

The other aspect is that eggs work on the vital body, so why would anyone put eggs, wheat germ oil and anything to do with peanuts in the bloodstream of a baby via a vaccination whose body is still developing.

The brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. Are some of the medical scientists crazy? I think they must be, also the collagen starts decreasing at the age of 25 although people can have extra manganese mineral in their diet to help support the collagen in the body.

In that Swedish mandala there is the numerics of four and eight and that is to do with the originating DNA.

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