
Friday 25 March 2016

Arthritis Care Week 14-21 May 2016

Arthritis Care Week is on the 14-21 May and the Arthritis Charity are running a 'Go Ruby' awareness campaign for Arthritis to fundraise for their charity. On their profile it says that it impacts on almost three in ten men, and women over the age of 55. The charity was originally called the BRA, British Rheumatic Association and it was founded by an Arthur Mainwaring Bowen when he was just 25 years old.

He had been diagnosed with 'Ankylosing Spondylitis' when he was 19 years old, Arthur had a career as a qualified solicitor and he married the year I was conceived.

Jane Asher became its president in 2003 and she is also involved in other charities. Born in North West London,  her dad was a medical consultant in London.

The 6th Duke of Westminster is also involved, Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor and has been involved with it for over twenty years.

Remember this wisdom is more precious than rubies. The first time that I was aware that I had met a man with serious arthritis was when I was working in London. The proof-reader in the advertising agency had it - and he had worked on the newspapers as a proof-reader in Fleet Street.

My mother also had it in her back, and I think it was triggered due to the trauma that she experienced during the Wapping time, followed by the bereavement of her husband.

After dad passed over, she used to go abroad for five months of the year, so that she was in warm sunny weather for her health. In fact, many people with Arthritis did move abroad for the same reason.

Mum was an excellent cook of healthy home cooked foods, and I know that the combination of the sunshine and her nutrients did help her too. Although she didn't work again after dad passed over, or during her time looking after him while she was his carer. She was traumatised by everything that they had been through together.

I used to give her healing sometimes if and when she asked for it, or sometimes I would offer it to her too. Interesting that one of the recipes that I introduced mum to was stir fry's with cashew nuts and water chestnuts with sweet peppers, tomatoes and onions with chicken pieces. With lychees for afters.

We know for a scientific fact that 'arthritis' is a physiological neurone condition, post-traumatic-stress condition. It usually begins with a cut to the body. So for instance, after I was born they cut my cord to short, and I then had an hernia operation ten days afterwards. In childhood I had a dog bite in my left hand, then in my 20's my left hand was pierced by a nail and we know scientifically that cuts in childhood mutate genetics.

The family planning clinic put a copper 7 in my cervix, after that I had to have laser treatment on my cervix on and off for two years. Followed by an operation on the cervix six months after my son was born. Then after dad's bereavement that came after that, the bone on my left hand began to get bigger.

It got to the point that I had to stop working at what I was doing in my 40's due to the pain in that hand. Once I stopped working using the hands in the work that I was doing at that time, the pain in the bone stopped, and the joint stopped getting bigger.

At that point I was able to carry on working but my work had to change. It was also a time when I was doing a lot of self-healing and self-development and learning to go with the flow of life, life became easier and more balanced in perspectives and views of life. I invested a huge amount of cash time and effort into my own health for healthy reasons.

What we notice with arthritis is that historically, it has mainly impacted on the older generations, and those generations went through a very traumatic time of a war-torn era and so did their parents. As such, there is certainly some genetic inheritance involved with this condition.

So it is important to ascertain if there is a history of it in the family. For sure it was on both family lines in our family, grandpa Joseph had it, and he became wheelchair bound. Grandma Sophia had it with a serious heart condition, she got it at the age of 14, and passed over at the age of 65. I was about 18 years old at the time of that bereavement.

Sophia's mother also went 'blind', and that is a clear indication that she had Sjogren's, both of her husbands died in traumatic circumstances, and so did some of her sons die in the war. I still remember gran talking about her brother Freddy who was only young when he passed over.

Mum also had cataract operations and that also links to Sjogren's and I heard this week that another woman with Sjogren's has had cataract operations. As such, nutrients specifically for the eyes are absolutely essential. Plums are recommended for eye health - and I also recommend coconut oil for the face, head and neck. Fruit, nuts and seeds are also excellent for the nervous system and so is St John's Wort.

I wear sunglasses when I go out in the sunshine and I've worn those same glasses since the late 90's. My eyes were tested by the optician after the chalazion, and they only found a small scar over the brow of my eye. I could do with new sun glasses, although with the same prescription. Next step is to see the consultant rheumatologist at the hospital and the appointment will take three months.

Operative procedure that cuts the body is also traumatic for the body, as such, people have to be made aware of that. It is often the case whereby, another health condition comes on quickly after a person as been through surgery. Usually within a 2-3 year timeframe.

So it is imperative that appropriate intensive holistic care is given to people pre and post operative procedure because the tissues hold on to memory of that operative procedure. Its also essential that people have the appropriate nutrients for the individual symptoms and those specific nutrients required from food can be expensive.

So for instance my homemade nutrient drink yesterday cost nearly £4 due to the high cost of strawberries, raspberries, lemons etc. Although I do have enough to have some more of that drink today. Hence, two days of nutrients to drink for the neurones cost £2 per glass full. However I would rather take a natural nutrient drink than take any pharmaceuticals that are only a band aid.

It is important that people are mindful of what triggered it into action, to begin with - because that has to be worked with and through. Hence, the stats on how many of those UK men were veterans, how many of them had operative procedure, what did they do for a living. How old were they when it began, are all important aspects to be taken into account.

The same with the women - interesting that over age 55 is during the menopause when women's hormones are all over the place. It is also often a time when women become bereaved. There are many different factors to be taken into account when we are looking at a health condition.

It includes a person's birth chart were they born in a fixed sign and what are the weaknesses in the body born in that sign? What is their north node soul journey and what did they choose pre-destination to overcome this lifetime?

Listening, do you listen to your body and what it is telling you? Are you intuitive and are you divinely guided with it?

Its important to note that arthritis is also a symptom of Sjogren's and Sjogren's is definitely under diagnosed in the UK, as it is taking 6-7 years for people to get an accurate diagnosis. Apparently, there are now 4 million people with this condition in America, and as we know they've had the largest military in the world.

Another aspect to be taken into account is the fact that the NHS issued guidelines to GPs that everyone with a long-term back issue must be sent for an MRI scan. However, its almost impossible to get an MRI scan from your GP.  The MRI scans are very important, as I heard from some parents that their lovely daughter, who was a school teacher, had passed over with 'back cancer'.

That girl carried on working in what she loved doing with the children and it gave her a decent salary. However, she should've put her health first, and what she could've done, is carry on working with children, but in a different capacity that was less tiring for her body. If she had been working as a healer, she would've have been receiving healing at the same time.

She would've made a wonderful children's healer and complimentary medicine therapist. When people love their careers and depend on their salaries, its hard sometimes to get them to shift - so that they are more aligned with their bodies requirements. She did her Reiki for her own health following the divine guidance given to her when requested.

However, she had a choice once she became a teacher of it - to start teaching healing therapies. So once again are you listening to your bodies and the requirement of your bodies for healing therapies and the correct nutrition? Are you aligned with your reason for being?

Inversion therapy and Reiki is excellent for getting more oxygen and blood flowing to the brain. Its also brilliant for postural alignment, stretching the back, for muscles and joints. I am fortunate that I have strong bones although I have weak ankles.

Becoming an RM, the teaching of Reiki healing, and doing inversion therapy are two of the best things that I have ever done for my physical health, and I highly recommend it for people with arthritis. Although depending on your other health conditions, you must get your GP or consultants approval to do inversion.

Of course the correct nutrients and aromatherapy massage are also essentials. We have been divinely guided with bergamot aromatherapy oil for post-operative procedure for an elderly woman that has arthritis. I said to her you are amazing, if you hadn't made that career change when you did, if you hadn't done reflexology and reiki, you would be in a wheelchair by now.

Instead that midwife is still an active healer and complimentary medicine therapist, and is as bright as the day is long. It is a pleasure to know her and exchange our love. I said, to her, remember, every time you give me healing, you receive healing.

Another older woman came into my life in and her GP, told her that she would end up in a wheelchair prior to meeting yours truly.

Training in Reiki healing and past life healing, completely turned her life around, and for 67 years old she is amazing too. The last time she came to visit me, I said to her, I'm sure you have gone into reverse, because every time that I see you, you look younger than you did when I first met you in 2000. 16 years after we met she is doing fantastic for her age, I'm sure she's reversed the ageing process. Big smiles!

Another energy therapy that I recommend is Shiatsu. I try to have a shiatsu treatment whenever I can afford to do so, tender loving care. I also had chiropractic treatments when the condition was kicking off - and that did help a lot. Although you can only have up to five treatments on the NHS, treatment should be made available for as long as a person requires it. It is more cost-effective for a person to see a Chiropractor and have Alexander Technique than it is to go to the NHS hospital. Although I heard that the local hospital physiotherapy department is now offering chiropractic treatments.

Different things work for different people, and it was Alexander Technique that got me mobile again after the hospital examined me. The local hospital physiotherapy department actually caused more 'injury' than they solved. Whatever that physiotherapist touched, my body didn't like it - and I could hardly walk for four days, after seeing the physiotherapist. At that point Alexander Technique saved the day, and got me back up again. The local practitioner, Steve is brilliant.

However, if physiotherapy works for you as it does for some, then great. Everyone is unique, and you have to put the effort into finding out what works for you. Then decide what you are going to do with it. Know this I don't take pharmaceuticals if I can help it, I have to be able to hear what the body is telling me.

Interesting that the charity chose the colour pink for their logo as I was instructed to wear pink for the first mission to Israel in May 2006. From head to toe in pink.

Does it remind you of Revelation chapter ten and the legs like fiery pillars? I began seeing the rainbow man in 2013. Osho's community painted him as the king of rainbows and the card kept appearing before me when I woke up in the mornings. So much has happened in health in the UK since 2013.

May 11-18 is the 'Week of the Natural', and May 19-24 is the 'Cusp of Energy' so a very interesting overlap in the date that the charity as chosen for its campaign.

Natural cusp of energy with wisdom more precious than rubies.

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