
Sunday 6 March 2016

ALISON Message

When I woke up this morning I was given the name of ALISON, the fact that her name was given on Mother's Day, indicates that her son is trying to come through. Alison a lovely woman from New Zealand that ran a local healing centre, she is always a joy to see. Alison a woman that made so much possible; with all of her effort that she dedicated to help the healers, complimentary medicine therapists and workshop leaders in our community. Alison a mother to so many people.

'Olive branch' is the message being received. The olive branch, a symbol of peace, victory and in spiritual symbology it is a symbol of the golden age. The olive leaf denotes the renewal of life. The soul that left a message of peace. To the Hebrews, strength, beauty and safety in travel.

It is a great pleasure to honour Alison on Mothering Sunday.

A great divine choice, proving life after death.

6th March, 'Day of Beauty' 

A woman with the most beautiful heart that comes through in her smile.

A lovely artist that I first met in the 90's when I stepped into the healing centre that Alison was managing on behalf of a charity. A wonderful healer, that loves people and spirituality.
So many people were blessed with the light of her joyful and happy heart.
So many people that she helped and that she listened to with the ears to hear.
The eyes to see and the heart to understand.
Peace of Mind

And God's Spirit that sent her son with a message for her.

Jesus is HOT for that song.

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