
Wednesday 16 March 2016

8th Cranial Nerve

The 8th Cranial nerve - the acoustic nerve. I am looking at hearing for someone at the moment, so let us begin with the cranial nerves and the nutrients that are required for it.

This video is just to explain the anatomy as medics understand it - and he mentions what the medics have been giving people and how that has impacted on people's jaws. That is interesting due to the recent dream that I had of the woman in London that had a health condition of the jaw.

There is also the meridians, and teeth also connect with ears that isn't included in this video.

Tooth 28 top left, tooth 38 bottom left. Tooth 48 bottom right.

The chart that gives you the connection between the teeth and the body's organs can be found in a book called 'Cause, Effect, and Treatment' written by Ken Gillemo. It was first published in Sweden in 1987, and then published in the English translation in 1988. ISBN 91-7810-880-2-5. The chart is on page 34 in the English translation. I picked up my copy from a spiritual library at the healing centre that was shedding books, I chose it due to its inclusion of the chart with teeth as I found it interesting.

Its no coincidence that Ken Gillemo = Sweden and the doctor that originally recognised Sjogren's that is named after him is also Swedish. 

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