
Wednesday 23 March 2016

23rd March 2016

Happy Birthday Dad. 

Happy Purim

My nutrient dinner for neurones.

Meal for One.

In the oven, 1 sweet potato, 2-3 small carrots, half an onion cut in small chunks.
2 cloves of garlic
Salmon - excellent brain food.
Basil and Paprika to taste, I like a lot.
Olive oil
When it was nearly cooked covered with a large sliced mushroom.

My green salad included iceberg lettuce, celery and leek covered in the juice of a lemon. 

Then my salad dressing was Tzaztiki, cucumber cubed very small, Greek yoghurt, 2 cloves of garlic, then add a few teaspoons of mint sauce to taste, although you could include fresh mint and dill if you have some. I then put my Tzaztiki on top of my green salad. It was delicious.

A great presentation on nutrients worth the time to listen to the facts that he presents.

It was back in 2002 when I was sharing about the importance of Ketotis as a disinfectant for the body following my own experience of it.

Years later I read about the study that Great Ormand Street had done with epileptic children. They put the children on a high protein-low carb diet and the children's epileptic fits stopped.

Nutrition is such an important aspect of our lives, the health of our lives depend upon it. 

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