
Saturday 6 February 2016


Jeremy Corbyn making progress.

Guernsey has said no to migrants, due to not being able to guarantee their safety and security. Even Jeremy Corbyn can't guarantee that either. 

Jonathan Pie is on to it, he says that teachers salaries should be doubled and their hours cut by half. He's cracking on today, onto education, I agree with him, especially as my son hopes to become a teacher. Jonathan doesn't like investment bankers, I agree with him wholeheartedly about education and its ministers. Its not what you earn, its what you do with it that counts, same with your talents and skills.

Bernie Sanders in the USA responds to questions about Corbyn 

Enough is enough!

This is an old speech from Bernie in defence of Americans, to Alan Greenspan at the Federal Reserve, a powerful speech, that was proven to be correct. You have to respect the man for calling Greenspan out, and speaking his truth so succinctly.

'The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping'. Sacred Words

When I looked at his profile there is a comment about the curtains, and that brings us back to the most recent dream. 'during Bernie's childhood, the family never lacked for food or clothing, but major purchases, 'like curtains or a rug,' were difficult to afford'. 

As the scripture declares, 'the rich will fade away while they are going about their business'.  I certainly noticed that in the 90's during the recession, many businesses, and people disappeared.

I was blessed with the wisdom to reduce overheads, move my small business home, that I was able to do, and became more prosperous than before. I took the initiative and survived the recession.

That it is when I began to write professionally instead of pay writers to write for my clients. Of course, I had a lifetime of professional experience in business to help me through, and a great creative director that worked alongside me, David also had huge London experience behind him.

It took time, patience and perseverance to turn everything around, and the prosperity enabled yours truly to help people in the spiritual field, the timeline of when one became a thousand healers. I put my skills and talents to work, and invested my time and money in helping those that had required it.

I carried on with my traditional business helping my clients, at the same time as diversifying to help the spiritual with pure intention and a humble heart. My pleasure became my work, and my work became my pleasure, working with many joyful, loving, and wonderful people.

In helping the spiritual in that timeline, was a divine purpose for being, and having the career background that I had been blessed with - was a huge blessing. Once a person has worked professionally in creative communications, creative communications - is always an integral aspect of your life.

The sheer power of the love that we shared was awesome. 2016 is a year of spiritual transformation in my life, may it be a positive year for everyone in harmonious respect - for what we have achieved in life together. May the years to follow, become as lovely as they were previously, in carrying out the will of God.

The past, present and future that transforms humanity into a higher state of consciousness, the consciousness that resonates with the heart of children and their mothers. For the children will carry on, they can save a remnant, and all of the very best with harmonious respect for our indigenous cultures, people, history and successes in life.

I view success differently to many people, and I view that this single-parent mother - did her best that she could in the circumstances that was experienced. Success is not about how much you have, how big your house is, how much you earn, it is about how much you gave and give. Success is about how compassionate, and merciful you are, and to always defend those that aren't able to defend themselves with love beyond measure in your heart. To give as you would wish to be given, and in giving you do receive - the most incredible help with your journey.

The givers were helped, they were blessed. When I was asked to give money, I gave willingly from my heart freely, if that poor neighbour didn't return it to me, it was OK, it was given to him in the power of love. Our children are blessed, Yoshofar. 

In the power of love, and heart of integrity, WILL became good.
The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

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