
Saturday 27 February 2016

Whooping Cough Vaccinations

Warning - Whooping Cough Vaccinations are being given to pregnant mums. My son wasn't allowed to have a whooping cough vaccination because his dad had a history of epilepsy. Once I found out more about vaccinations, I was pleased that he hadn't been given it.

Although it is very concerning to hear that pregnant mothers are being given such vaccinations due to it being an incredibly important time for the child in the mother's womb.

On this link Professor Gordon Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Public Health at Glasgow University, gives his view on it - and he has put the word in bold and caps. DANGER. In fact the British government offers compensation for any parents who have any children that have suffered brain damage from this or any other vaccine. So the medics clearly are aware that these vaccinations can do such a thing as impact on your child's brain. How about your brain mum?

When I was a child they couldn't give me a measles vaccination, although I can't remember why not.

Dr Ray Obomsawin, Immunity, Infectious Disease and Vaccination. 'Natural immunity is the only true immunity. Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature, and nature is never cheated'.

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