
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Thomas Orchard - Corporate Manslaughter

Following on from the post of the police taking retirement with their huge pensions paid for by the tax payers and then afterwards going back into employment on new contracts, the 'double dip' as it is known in the public sector. It also happens in the NHS, another reason why some people chose careers in the public sector, for guaranteed long term financial security.

Patients were removed from institutions and put into the community, some of those people were then either encouraged to find work or forced to find work, as witnessed with what DWP are doing, and have done by cutting financial that had been given previously so that they could live as normal as possible.

Although there have been times that the community have risen up due to 'disorder' some of those patients co-created in their communities.

There have also been times when people like myself fed and watered a person that had been 'sectioned'. After he had been left with no money for energy, no money for food or a drink after they released him. Some people that voted for Cameron think those people are well-cared for, and I asked those people what genuine help do you think that they receive?

Today, the story is that Thomas Orchard, a 32 year old church warden was arrested in October 2012 for 'public disorder', he suffered a cardiac arrest and 12 minutes after the 'brutal' police had done what they did, he suffered a cardiac arrest and died in hospital due to brain damage and asphyxia.

The police involved have now been brought before Bristol Crown court charged with manslaughter. Its corporate manslaughter in the British police force. Can tax payers that pay for the murder of our weakest and most vulnerable, really sleep at night? Can the politicians really live with their consciences, the politicians that are the 'bane of life'.

May Thomas Orchard rest in peace and may his family be comforted, our loving thoughts go out to you.

Angelic Children Dream

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