
Sunday 28 February 2016

Sjogren's Thermometer

Most of the cases are found in women and there are many different symptoms that can be identified. However, if you mention the word Sjogren's to doctors and surgeons in the UK they just look at you blankly. Like a lot of conditions it is triggered into existence by trauma that we know scientifically changes the DNA.

An American doctor said that Sjogren's now has a higher incidence than 'breast cancer' and 'heart disease'. He also mentioned the 'metal toxicity', and that also impacts on the saliva glands. I did make a post on this blog specifically on the saliva glands. If the medics removed your tonsils as a teenager, that would also give you a susceptibility to it. As the scientists know that cuts in children change your DNA, the mutated genetics that can be a co-creator of allergies and skin disease.

In Taiwan, they also found a link between skin disease and Sjogren's, and they found people that experienced Sjogren's went onto to get skin disease. Both are considered to be auto-immune conditions and they can impact upon each other.

Of course, if you have an existing health condition, you are more prone to get Sjogren's as in if you have a chronic skin condition, you can also get Sjogren's if your body is further traumatised and that can happen due to any operative procedure. Hence, the amount your body as experienced is a strong indicator. It is alarming to see that young women - women that would like to have a baby, are experiencing it - and it can be hard to get doctors to listen and to take the appropriate action fast enough.

As we know, doctors in the UK, know very little about nutrition and as such are not able to advise you on such conditions as far as your nutrients are concerned. I remember when they only two hours training in nutrition when training to become doctors, now I am told they have four hours.

As if four hours would give medics everything that they are required to know - to help the health of a person to improve.

Symptoms can show you the direction that you have to take with the nutrients that your body requires. Your body immediately responds to the nutrients, unlike other health conditions whereby the body can take a longer time to respond. So for instance I drank a banana and pear with milk smoothie, immediately afterwards I had serious fatigue - and had to lay down to sleep until I woke up naturally. So keep a food journal and how your body responds to the nutrients that you give it, you can also record your process as you work with it.

I think the best way to describe it is your body becomes your thermometer. I don't view it as a thermometer for measuring heat. Your body becomes a highly sensitised nutrient thermometer and instead of the thermometer going up, it goes in reverse, if you are not receiving the adequate nutrients that your body requires. Hence my body was responding to that drink immediately, as such, it is showing me that today, my body is asking for different nutrients.

The thermometer goes into urgency and emergency, my view is that many indigenous people in the North America have suffered from this condition prior to recognition of it. The condition restricts your ability for exercise, it also restricts your ability to work in the pressure of a job, due to the sheer amount of attention it requires.

When the body does go into emergency it has no choice, but to create fatigue; to ensure that you rest, recuperate and give your body time to regenerate, when your body is in emergency its a massive warning to you - that the body is demanding that you listen to it and nurture it the best that you can.

Its essential that you allow your bodies thermometer to inform you - and let you know what's happening. Work intuitively with your own bodies. Its clear to me that people with Sjogren's require much more of specific nutrients than the average person. These people also require specialist care and a lot of understanding and support. It takes a lot of courage to change the things that you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

As it is written, 'Tough assignments are only given to the best students' and women have to have the courage to get Sjogren's recognised as a chronic condition by the medical profession, because it impacts on so many different systems in the body. Once it is openly recognised, then the money can be raised for serious research into it - and we can move forward to help more women that are experiencing it. Support for these women is absolutely essential - because its hard to get people to listen when they view you as looking normal as far as they are concerned.

Its a tough call and certainly challenging, because it does mean challenging the medics, and what they know, and they don't like being challenged on health and about health that they claim to be the experts in. That's why its so hard to get the help you require. While I have been writing this I was compelled to have some Brazil nuts, I am going to clean my teeth with coconut oil, have a bath and massage with Jasmine oil, I have some 'Starflower Oil' to try as a booster, to begin taking as a supplement. Prior to cooking and having dinner.

This week its Primroses and Jasmine, small gentle flowers, and yesterday, my son as stocked me up with healthy food. So back to making healthy soups with the nutrients that are required. Your bodies are changing all of the time, so you have to change with it, day-to-day, and week-to week.

Sjogren's is a very serious 'degenerative disease', so we have to stop it in its tracks the best we can.

I forgot to mention that while I was sleeping I had a dream of the singer Cheryl Cole, (judge on the X Factor),  and in the dream I thought it was strange that I should dream about her.

In dream interpretation to dream of being happy in a normal degree is a good dream. To dream of a famous person is to encourage you to keep on trying - because you will get help from an unexpected source.

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