
Monday 29 February 2016


Following on from last nights dream that had three different dreams. In the first dream it featured a paramedic dressed in grey, with blond hair with what sounded like a Ukrainian accent. The second dream included what looked like America. Then today in American news there was a report of what's happened in Moscow with a woman in a black burka.

Now there is news from Lithuania, and how Lithuanians are looking at their involvement in what happened during the holocaust. Lithuanian novelist RUTA VANAGAITE was astonished when a popular television station demanded to see her birth certificate to ascertain the veracity of her claims.

The book contains vital information that consists of interviews with witnesses to the atrocities perpetuated by Lithuanians against their Jewish neighbours, and it has triggered a major debate on the Lithuanians complicity in the genocide. The author said that its been a painful journey for the author due to her own family that were involved in it.


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