
Friday 26 February 2016

Police Jihad -v- UKIP Teenager

Sometimes you think, what country am I in. The BBC report that a school in Hampshire called the police because a teenager was looking at a UKIP website. Seriously what planet are they on at Wildern School? The Head Teacher Marie-Louise Litton said, 'I wish to make it absolutely clear that the decision to pursue the matter further was not made by the school'.

So if the decision wasn't made by the school, who then called the police about what the teenager was viewing? Is there any privacy in this country, it comes to something when teenagers can't even view a political party website with elected representatives without the police being called in.

The BBC report that 'UKIP"s deputy leader Paul Nuttall reacted angrily at the suggestion the party's website was flagged in this way'. He said, 'I don't know how you can be extremists when you have 22 MP's, a member of Parliament, three lords and 500 councillors all over the country'.

Grassroots Nigel Farage

Is it any wonder that some children feel the way they do about the police force in the UK?

Are the police healthy for community relations and teenagers ? I don't think so!

Did the police 'stop bullying' in schools? No, they co-create it.

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