
Thursday 25 February 2016

Peter and "Gates of Hades"

Apparently, Jesus predicted that the 'Gates of Hades' would not overcome the community of Peter. Matthew 16:18. Before Peter came into my work life in spirituality, I used to say this prayer.

'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference'.

Peter still lives in England, and it is written that he was born in Windsor, he says that he is soon to retire. He's lovely, always in my heart, our spiritual community. It was ordained for Peter to be given a very special gift that was delivered by yours truly, a presentation in front of his audience.

From Spirit he was thanked for his work to date, and asked to continue with his work, the manifestation of the gift was amazing in how it all came to be. From the original message received to its physical manifestation before us, as the story unfolded, so did the divine intervention. It really was incredible for the healers that were involved in the delivery in the 90's.

After I began painting in 2012,  I was compelled to send him this mandala.


Gifted to Peter the Healer

Peter Clifford specialised in 'Inner Child' work and it is written in scripture that "Truly, I tell you, unless you change, and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven'.

I see lots of suns in his mandala, four rivers, four directions, and a ruby red diamond shape enclosure, in the mandala I also see the Bergamot fruit, the two fruits combined in one for a divine operation, and as you can see there are four of those, one in each direction.

The mandala is in strong native American colours with the turquoise of spiritual transformation, the transformation of the people in the community in which he shared with wisdom. In the centre of the mandala is the point of it all - that manifested divinely in harmonic concordance in 2003.

In the royalty of the blue healing energies with a massive amount of sunshine, and the flowing water to refresh the spiritual community - to strengthen it divinely. The power of healing, is powerful indeed - especially when carried out with the fullness of the compassionate and merciful heart.

For it is in healing the 'inner child' that the soul's of the people are enabled to ascend, from experience I know that the more that you do - the more lighter you feel and the more happiness is enjoyed. True happiness that comes from within once you have liberated the love with pure intention and your utmost attention. Love is the path of no return to the previous way of being, once you have been transformed by the work in integrity. Once known, always remembered.

The first three years of life is so important says author and clinical psychologist, Oliver James. Although I can't agree with him on redemption as he states that 'any redemption, will be addressing the symptoms - through therapy and drugs rather than causes'. 

I can appreciate why Oliver has some of the views he does and his MS condition is certainly an aspect of the way he views life and its circumstances.

It makes you wonder if Oliver has ever gone back into the womb to pre-birth, or how much he knows about what happened pre-birth especially as he says that he has been interested in the Human Genome Project.

Angelic Children Dream

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